
i dont know about that either. if he was muslim & very visually, not to mention verbally, designed himself as batman's joker—all the while while not mentioning any political doctrine anywhere—i think he woulda gotten the same response. look at seung, the virginia shooter. crabapples & falafel.


while decidedly less than good in all sorts of ways, cigarettes are very useful tools in this sort of situation. keep a lit one in yr hand. you shouldnt have to, you know, & most of the time theyre not necessary—but, then again, i was lucky i had one when this happened to me [@ the big ucla library {yrl}, no less]. &

thank you for posting that!!

methinks anonymous skinny chick blogger, there, is afraid of how beauty standards are suddenly, if slowly, evolving. methinks anonymous skinny chick blogger, there, will not like it if the culture finally deems it impossible for her to loudly deem herself superior for either a/ eating fewer cookies than one or another


other than the abovenoted alternate reality, the most interesting thing about this, i think, is its actual alternate reality. ie: the people who posed for the painting are not stoic yet unsophisticated farm folk but, instead, the high-end educated of their community.

to me, the absolute most compelling statement of this whole debacle of an episode is:

thank you for writing this [&, by extension, not making me do it]. a job very well done, btw.

that makes a whole lotta more sense when talking about zoloft.

you actually might be able to—especially if you were also on a mood stabilizer. both of those things can put weight on you, even worse if used together. i think—my caveat is that this note is not from personal experience, but i do read a lot. i spent so much time refusing to eat that even the vaguest idea that

i am too old to like this stuff.

doesnt oprah count? or does being a television host &/or station owner & all sorts of the other things she is beside [not instead of] being an actress eliminate her from the contest?

as an aside, thats called dissociation. here:

is it certain that this person is actually for real, freeze-dried internet uterus suppers, et al?

i've run in six inch platforms. i've also fallen down some doing it, but not always. the trick is to be used to wearing six inch platforms. eventually, after long enough, flats feel weird & it's more difficult, believe it or not, to move around in them.

it's not her age. it's just that she's done it so many times already that it's completely expected & nothing but dull. were it some other fifty three year old or sixty year old or helen mirren or tilda swinton or even meryl streep or, i dunno, maybe chaka khan or, just someone, anyone— someone whose tits we have not

the longer a person is on the earth, the more he or she will start to see an almost precise pattern: something will be touted as the best thing in the world then a year or two later this very same thing will be renounced as either not good at all or terrible. then the same thing will happen again to either or both of

but it does affect me. the one person i know who would—&, more importantly, has—really been there for those of us too unusual for the mainstream—& not just in words—is me. it's cos i'm the same kind of thing, the same kind of person. i dont fit into a particular current category, which in many ways makes it even

thank you for not letting me fight this sad battle alone.