
Where is the hijab and burka one?

If you are offended by this you are stupid.

the difference is i’m not wrong

JJ doesn’t do original really well

Because without a Death Star knock-off, or a clone of Tattooine, we wouldn’t have know it was Star Wars?

““I consciously add as much diversity as I can to my writing”

Please don't. The movie was a rather faithful adaptation of the book. The story just doesn't leave people with the warm and fuzzy, (even if twisted, See Hitchhiker's Guide) that people crave in escapist fiction.

I wish people would quit treating WHO people like they were gods. They basically ran the show into the ground.

Uh, no it’s not. They’ll just build dikes like anywhere else that sea level is an issue. It’ll cost money but it’s not like the whole state is gonna be flooded. We’re talking about an inconvenience, not the apocalypse.

I don’t know, I sort of think the state has a point here. What’s to stop me, a man, from claiming to identify as a woman in order to use a public women’s bathroom in the hopes that it will be marginally less gross?

Nonsense. The A9 is not a ‘moderate upgrade’ from the 5S. It is a very large upgrade in terms of speed, graphics, and raw processing power. The camera (front and back) is a big upgrade too. The aesthetic is similar, but that does not make it a 5S. Should they have called it a 5SE?Is that what you are saying? It’s

So because i don’t like riding public transportation with bums and it doesn’t go anywhere i need it to i should feel guilty for driving?

You knew that comment would blow up on you, right. ;)

Powerful elites blocking the popular candidate because they’re “dangerous” is the sort of stuff that happens in dictatorships or oligarchies. Iran does this, China does this, various countries we view as backwards and corrupt (rightfully so, in most cases) have a “validity check” for their candidates do we want to be

Well, democracy is.

Everything we learned:

“30 years ago, four scientists saved New York”

Formerly Drumpf? Not since the 1600s.

Yes he has. In 2005 I worked for a now closed Dell Warranty Sales and tech support center. Out of sheer boredom one day I started searching the customer database for celebrity names. And BAM there was Donald Trump. The PC was ordered by him confirmed by the customer data. I then did a bad bad thing and wrote down his

Even the first President Bush, the man who got teased for not knowing how a checkout scanner worked back in the early 1990s,