

Sure, nothing to do with the rise of illegal immigrants. What a crock of shit.

Telling the “same exact story” is the surest sign these kids are lying.

White people problems.

Into the Wayback Machine!

Drop out of college. Your future husband will be grateful not to have to pay off the useless degree you are pursuing.

I’m going to be honest, whenever anyone gives me shit about abortion (including threatening to kill my children so I learn the value of life

More like from her grandmother’s lint collection.

Yeah! What is she, 82?

More like from her grandmother’s lint.

Which is why a dozen new vaccines come out a year.

This is the best year, and gettin’ better all da time.


I don’t know how I’ll sleep.

So vaccine companies don’t make god-awful amounts of money... Eeeeeeeeenteresting!

Ahhh... So the CDC is God’s Own Truth (especially when promoting Big Vaccine) but IS LITERALLY THE PATRIARCHY when asking ladies to think of their unborn children before guzzling the Jager. Thus Sprake Jizzabel.

“that trivial trophy”