
I’m a hardcore Everton fan so I hold no good memories of Luis Suárez whatsoever, but he’s easily the best striker of his generation and, from what I read about his family, his work in Uruguay and his life outside the pitch in general, a perfectly good person. Stop this cheap bullshit.

Meh. He’s not as good as he used to be but he’s one of the best (if not the best) strikers of his generation.

I have defended MLS on some levels over the years, and yes, Billy’s takes on American soccer are usually trash. On the one hand, he hates MLS because the quality isn’t Barcelona. On the other hand, he hates rich guys, who start soccer teams. On the OTHER other hand, he apparently has no recollection of the “good ol’

If you knew a single thing about American soccer you’d know how unready the USL is for pro/rel. This is just eurosnob puffery. 

Jesus Christ can Deadspin please find someone else to talk about MLS? Someone who acknowledges the domestic league doesn’t have a 100 year headstart? Someone who has the self-awareness to recognize whining about rich people starting teams in MLS while pumping up the euro leagues is a trash take? Sorry the MLS isn’t

Now playing

kane as a candidate is a fucking moron right wing retard.

(yes, he spit into his hand then threw it at another human being)

elite team

They’re nothing more than a footnote in England unless they come back and beat Liverpool, then go on to win the CL. You can’t be blown out in the most important competition by a team from your own country, and be know as an all time great team.

We’ll probably never know whether or not Lionel Messi really could do it on cold, wet nights in Stoke,


fuck everything about this stupidity. Buy nice coffee, skip big luxuries. You’ll be happier. Same goes for Beer, TP, and razors. Spend a few extra bucks a month to buy the good stuff, and skip out on the fancy car that costs a boatload to repair, or the spendy jacket, or the fancier phone. You’ll be a VASTLY happier

In the biggest games they could play against each other, Tom Brady is 1-5 lifetime against the Manning brothers (AFC Championship games and Super Bowls). 16% winning percentage. That is all.

I got it mixed up with the other paper that broke a story about a famous man being accused of sexual misconduct. Me culpa. My point stands, though, and your (and Jezebel’s) attempt to deflect from that point based on a trivial mistake is frankly pure cowardice.

Yeah, my bad. Too late to edit. My point stands, though.

You must have been overjoyed to find a reason to deflect my point. Congrats on being the left’s Fox News: partisan entertainment masquerading as “news.”

Oh, sick burn. Way to deflect the conversation. They teach you that in “journalism school?”

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.

would be an extremely smart move on Kraft’s part, so you know it won’t happen.

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Buy this. Buy it now. I have it, I assembled it, and it’s my favorite LEGO kit, period. The