I guess we all know why this section is not called “Reasonable Man”
I guess we all know why this section is not called “Reasonable Man”
Do you know what the success rate of their conservation efforts are? I mean, the big idea for their captive breeding programs is to return them to the wild, correct?
That’s right, the answer to all of life’s problems is found in just belittling everyone’s viewpoint that is different from your own. We White People are the undisputed masters of it.
you must be real fun at parties
The future is less T2: Judgement Day and more T3: Rise of the Luddites
Fear is usually the #1 impediment to progress. Imagine how many people were scared of the horseless carriage in the early 20th.
you should look up the banality of evil
FM Morning radio is the reason why commuting to work with Uber is unbearable.
this isn’t vr porn. This is pov porn watched on vr goggles. Shockingly, this buzzfeed video is misleading.
How is anyone surprised anymore that big-budget mobile games are shit? I mean come on, people. Fool me once...
I’d like to point out that this would not even be a thing if the woman was Elizabeth Warren instead of Clinton. It’s just maybe possible that it’s not “just because she’s a woman” and rather the fact that she represents the same politics machine as the right wing, only with a slightly-different-colored facade.
I just want to pop it
Yea that video is totally not edited or manipulated to make it seem like the turtle leaped like a fucking rabbit and attacked the camera.
Valve has really cornered the market on hat and glove simulators. What a fancy company.
Sorry, but the only way to win at a Casino is not to play.
“it’s coming with some pretty great games.”
“is considered” by who? Is there an international rating system I am not aware of? Is it on Buzzfeed? I bet it’s on buzzfeed.
fight the good fight, oh strong internet warrior
I feel that MS has been trying so hard to make the people who have already bought the console happy, but as someone who doesn’t own one? There’s nothing for me. Nothing that says, ‘this will justify your $300+ purchase.’ I think once they cross that point, and create a compelling box that other people want to buy,…