
oh you mean they were atheists? You mean they didn’t think they would continue existence once killed?

fuck that.

Did you read the article? Of the 4 fucks ups that Barry singled out, 3 of them went in favor of the Pats.

A good reminder that all giants deserve toppling.

I think it takes a truly wise person to realize that just because something works for them, doesn’t mean it should or could work for everyone.

So for all of us that aren’t into cars so much, how much is this car actually worth? Is is like a collectable car, so worth a lot to the right buyer? Or is it like a DeLorean, collectible but only because of that movie franchise, and otherwise pretty worthless.

Doesn’t it feel so good to make fun of people on the internet?

cool, thanks for the explainer!

why is it whenever you guys host a clip from the NFL, it’s in spanish? Do they have less strict copyright enforcement for their spanish broadcasts?

why do the streaming links for netflix on canistream.it go to dvd.netflix.com?

Was anyone else expecting this to be a primer on how to break into the comic book industry?

puke and rally.

I agree, it seems to me like most of the backlash seems to be, “I get treated like shit, so I want everyone else to be treated like shit.”

and have you heard how much professional athletes make!

If developers are so against the voice actors concerns for a better working environment, then make games without them. #solvedIt

turn ghostery off momentarily?

Wow, people really hate being made fun of, huh? The vitriol in those comments and here just reinforce Jerry Seinfeld’s comments about the younger generation.

You might want to check the definition of satire. I’m not sure your criteria fits the definition.

please explain to me, in detail, how you feel this is satire.

Why does an insanely amazing ability to do crazy tricks in GTA correlate with an insanely bad taste in music?