
I live in Virginia. I can guarantee you no Democrat will win here for a long time to come. There’s no fixing this at this point it is what it is freaking mess. People were on the ropes in this state that’s why a lot of these races were so close. northern Virginia put the Democrats over the edge most of the people who

Well another victim came forward today. This victim has corroborating witnesses supposedly and Facebook posts talking to her friends and family about it. I guess we'll have to wait and see what the evidence brings. I'm not going to say he's innocent or guilty. It don't look good for him I'll say that. But it's too

And I have to correct myself I did not know you were referring to judge.But he was interviewed by the FBI several times. He did not corroborate anything ford said.

That’s just not true at all. maybe they didn't interview the person because there are lifelong alcoholic. And their testimony wouldn't be believed because most alcoholics can't remember what they did 12 hours ago let alone 40 years ago. That's the common sense answer. Nor did I hear anything about this. At no time in

Exactly I live in Virginia this is a real mess.of the three I agree with you. Herring at least jumped out in front of it. He apologized it seems sincere.and he's the most believable that it might have just been he was a dumb kid being stupid. Still doesn't make it right but he's probably the best of the three to take

Oh I’m sorry facts hurt when you’re a Democrat.Do you see how I was articulate in the way I spoke to you. Didn’t disrespect you. Just stated the facts. That’s exactly how it went down. and all you can do is come back at me with a one line 12 year old comment. As I expected. I didn’t think that you could actually talk

I live in Virginia. I am absolutely embarrassed and ashamed about the leaders of my state. Brett Kavanaugh was roasted people screaming from the rafters surrounding his house over an accusation from 40 years ago with no witness is no corroboration she couldn’t remember where or when it happened. Far different from

Nopewomen have to be believed remember they have to you have to believe every woman that comes forward remember that your rules you made them not us. Kirsten gillibrand one accusation about Kavanaugh said he should have stepped down remember and she repeated till she was blue in the face that women must be believed.

I have one statement for all of you Democrats on here protecting him.women have to be believed they have to they have to be believed remember women have to be believed I'm going to keep saying it women have to be believed that's what you pound into our heads during the Kavanaugh hearings remember. Now there's a second

But you believe the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh which were from four decades ago with no witnesses no corroboration she couldn't remember where it happened when it happened but all of you were screaming to the High Heavens at the time for him to step down including Kirsten gillibrand and other Democratic

Let me remind you of how Brett Kavanaugh was treated. That was them being nice huh. trying to destroy his life completely over a single accusation when it first started with zero corroborating evidence and it was from 40 years ago. Democrats change the standard from innocent until proven guilty two

Explain to me how many GOP members have been accused of blackface and caught actually doing it. How many Republicans have been caught actually acting or saying or doing something racist that would be zero.but I live in Virginia and that makes two Democrats in less than a week and it was on the first day of Black

Why don’t you ask Brett Kavanaugh. The Democrats did everything but hang him from a noose tried to completely destroy him his reputation and his family over allegations from four decades ago that had zero corroboration. And loose ends everywhere. Yet Kirsten gillibrand and the rest of them said that one accusation is

I live in Virginia. You have two Democratic leaders.both caught in racist photos and then Governor northam backtracked and tries to say it's not him in the picture. They should both resign immediately but refuse to. How much you want to bet me at the first one they force out is the black man Justin Fairfax. Democrats

Well a second victim came forward today. Who has lots of corroborating witnesses. Friends family Facebook posts. The Democrats changed the rules till you're guilty until you're proven innocent. They set the new standard during the Kavanaugh hearings. And now they're going to have to live with it. What accusation

You’re going straight to hell for that comment.

Really I am wearing one right now. Could you tell that I was thinking that you can kiss my fucking ass

Well as much hatred is all of yours viewing on here why don't you tell us what it feels like. seems to me like most of you on here would be wearing those white hoods with all the hatred for little kids you have. But you're okay with black Israelites screaming the most disgusting racist comments I've ever heard you're

Really is that the best you can do a little girl. You just again show your lack of intelligence that you can’t debate me or talk to me. All you can do is throw your little 6th grade insults at me.I know the truth hurts. But how pathetic is somebody who judges someone by how they look or what they're wearing. I thought

Who gave liberals and Democrats the right to judge what a piece of clothing means. Seriously that's something the media started a couple of years ago. One journalist started that. All of you need to grow the hell up seriously grow up those teenagers have far more class dignity and restraint than any of you on here.who