
Well my black daughter and granddaughter would disagree with you on that.as I told a few others I just got called a racist the other day at 7-Eleven by some white woman that pulled up next to me cuz I had a hat on that she didn’t like you know the one.I asked her to repeat that as I saw my granddaughter walking out of

Ran into an asshole like you about a week ago at 7-Eleven. My granddaughter was inside grabbing something to drink. And a white woman pulled up and looked at my hat and said look at This racist prick. I said to her excuse me do you want to repeat that. She said let me speak up for you. And she screamed at me you are a

That’s not a false equivalency. It’s the perfect equivalency. You’re just too dumb to realize it. Because if you all could step outside yourself and read some of your own comments you’d be like holy crap what the hell is wrong with me I don’t care about the black Israelites calling them cracker incest babies they need

Bingo that’s what I’ve been saying on here too in as many words. There is something inherently wrong with most of these people on here. We’re at a point where hats are racist washing machines are racist your dog is a racist but only if he’s a white dog. we’re living literally in George Orwell’s 1984.they don't seem to

So if your sister goes to a club wearing A skirt that rides up her butt crack in her boobs are hanging out. And she gets raped by five guys. When she comes home are you going to say well because of what you were wearing little sister you are asking to be raped because they could all read your mind they knew you were a

Mr. Phillips walked up to them all on his own. those kids didn’t do a damn thing except wear a hat that you guys don’t like that’s it that’s the only thing they’re guilty of.the only people screaming racist remarks were the black Israelites those kids didn’t say anyting not a word. They were waiting for a bus after a

People going to a pro-life March is terrible what the hell is wrong with you people. Think about the word you just said pro-life is bad.and not just with abortion we're just talking about life in general pro-life is bad is that you what you think. All of you need to grow the hell up. Seriously grow up

The black Israelites were the only ones being racist. They were screaming at children honky’s crackers incest babies all of you should die.shame on all of you here you’re all a bunch of disgusting human beings.all the people commenting just about on here is exactly the problem with our country the media haa made all

Again consequences for what he didn't do anything he just stood there with an awkward freaked-out smile on his face he's 16 years old he was just being screamed at by a group of black Israelites being called a honky a cracker and incest baby and all white people should die. Then this is American Indian I'm also

You new kids like him back in high school.how the hell do you know him you know who he is and everything else just buy the hat that he's wearing. Do you realize how ignorant and stupid you sound how the hell do you know what's going on in someone's head have you sat down and talked to him know you have it. So if your

I still can't get over the fact that all of you are going on and on on here about a hat about a freaking hat. That doesn't say anything it's a hat is your refrigerator talk to you probably not.just like if your daughter goes out tomorrow wearing a mini skirt showing her rear end in her boobs hanging out that doesn't

Heyidiot there were African Americans there they were the racist ones funny how you guys don't seem to give a crap about that. The white kids didn't yell anything racist in the video didn't say anything. But you can hear the black guy screaming honky incest babies crackers all white people need to die. That's okay

You keepYou keep leavingout the part about the black Israelites starting all of this they were the only one screaming racist things those white kids didn't say a freaking thing that one thing. so you guys are calling him a racist because he's wearing a hat. You were the judge and jury and you know what's going on

That’s where you were wrong before we let you socialist turn our country into Venezuela mark my words will be a civil war there won’t be any of you left standing we will come and dig you out of your safe spaces and put you down like the rabid dogs that you are. We're heading a boiling Point now myself and everybody in

What thehell did he do wrong besides stand there with a very awkward smile on his face because he was obviously scared because they were just being screamed at calling them honky’s incest babies white supremacist they were saying they should all die white people need to die let’s kill these white kids. Not a word

You like the rest of your liberal buddies on here don’t understand human expressions obviously. That was a smile of nervousness and awkwardness. He’s a kid he was scared he didn’t know what the hell to do.you guys are the most horrible people I’ve ever seen every one of you commenting on here are the actual people

Did you even watch the video. These kids were standing there at the bus stop waiting for a bus the black Israelites were calling them crackers honkeys incest babies saying they all should die.and not one of you had a single problem with any of that not one of you is mentioned any of the actual racist things that were

Hats are not racist. People that judge other people by the clothing they wear or by their religion are there skin color those are racist like you.the black Israelites were out there screaming honky incest babies crackers all of you need to die. Those were the racists those kids just stood there and absorbed all of it.

Soyou’ve decided that those kids are racist because of the hat they’re wearing. So I can decide your pussy because of the clothes you’re wearing right. And your wife’s a freaking horror because she wears mini skirts. So I guess if your wife goes out wearing a miniskirt than she’s trying to get raped she wants to be

Thesekids were using their own time to March for Life while liberal kids in California wear black masks and destroy your property. These are churchgoing kids Catholic kids good kids you’re just a big douche canoe obviously big racist douche canoe. The fact that none of you have mentioned anything about the black