
Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

I think if I became President, the first thing I would do is round up the House and Senate Republicans and execute them for treason. Because that’s what they are guilty of. I always suspected they were, but this is just the flat-out definition.

Does United not have a single PR person? Someone, anyone who could put some platitudes on cue cards and shove this guy in front of the camera? One of the cops is already being investigated, how hard would it be for United to do the whole we are deeply disturbed by the incident and will look into itsong and dance?

Stick a sock in it. People hated Hillary long before they knew who Bernie Sanders was.

and not just an error implicit to the mod — this very much seems like a case of poor installation

Correction: everybody behind has to slow down because of whomever it is behind this guy that overreacts and brakes when they don’t need to. A gap is a gap, and people who use all of the available road - as in a proper zipper merge - help the greater good by maintaining the flow and keeping these backups short.

The guy

Read as “She looks like she is about to shoot a piano” & was confused for a second. 

Gotta have nipples. Without them, breasts are pointless.

This was pitch perfect. I’m pretty sure the real Spicer would love a podium he could pick up and beat people with.

What a grim goal. Like aspiring to be the next “Gigli”, or the next, “E.coli”.

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

Is Dippin’ Dots just another thing of which I am supposed to have heard (but do not know)?

Speeding Asshat becomes literal asshat for speeding car.

The stunt, known as the “bullet catch”, debuted in 2010 and consist of Blaine firing a rifle at his own head and catching the bullet in a metal cup inside his mouth.