Ding L Berry


I’ve seen it twice too---both times were the same as yours, though they were both followed by a huge round of applause (not by me--it’s cool and all and I love it when a crowd’s that into a movie, but I’ve never done it myself.  I’d feel silly.  I was, however, grinning like an idiot).

Agreed, for the most part.

Here’s what would have made Holdo a bit more palatable:

For the most part, the audience during my screening was very quiet, reacting mostly with awed silence at the film’s best moments. But when Snoke’s command ship was cleft in twain, and the movie itself was silent, one person couldn’t help saying “Cool” in an absolutely stunned voice. That got a huge laugh from the

Ah, I didn’t rewatch TFA and completely forgot about that point! Well argued. I guess for me I imagined that Poe would’ve accepted and being less likely to go rogue over Holdo’s plan of ‘stealth bomber outta here and call in reinforcements’ more than ‘wait around and twiddle our fingers before dying’, but as Ignatiy

Revenge is a dish best served Gould.

As a former worker in retail, the last thing I wanted was to be on a first name basis with every customer. That sounds exhausting. Be nice, be civil at least, and don’t treat me like your servant, absolutely. But I know we’re not friends, and I’m okay with it.

Urine for a rude awakening if you don’t think it’s true

It’s a great Devo song, though.

none of those harassers and assaulters were people I particularly looked up to on any sort of personal level.

Go fist yourself.

I can’t die. Or something.

Lol on Talking dead Gimple said it was “luck”.

I think she said no, modestly.

the point is, this is 35-year-old Ivanka talking about 14-year-old Ivanka, and obviously lying. The point is, 35-year-old Ivanka lies.

Give me a f**cking break.

ivanka trump is a 35 year old adult. we can make fun of her bullshit attempts to appear relatable as much as we want