Ding L Berry

Hey, it's Connor Carey's dad! Your son rules!

More like… Stan Darsh!

Graham… Cracker I think it is.

Dude, please. It was titled "What's My Name and Stuff"

Finely grind him up first.

Well, that can't be wrong.

Run, hide cuddlebastard!!!

Yall gonna make me bust my nut

They can't make things worse for me, sometimes I'd rather die!!

Sounds more like Brownshirt. I mean Brietbart.

Summer Islander?

I got Aiiiiiiiiddddddssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was too busy watching Frank's!

Don't get me wrong, this season has been very enjoyable. If you want to call the water park episode a gimmick, you can call every episode a gimmick, I guess.

Bennett: … we just won the muthafuckin Super Bowl…!

Down voted!

Bill's delivery with his weird voice…

Wow, weird. I think this season has been pretty "meh". Only thing to make me laugh outside of this episode was "Kim sucks" from the Trainees episode.

Good call, on all counts. Very Raffiesque. And easily my favorite episode of this season.

Shortbus? The arthouse porno?