Dingers Ghost, Champion Jockey

I'm not going to say that a seatbelt is an absolute must-have when you're launching your old Ford Ranger many feet into the air, because I've never jumped a truck before. But looking at this video evidence, I think it might be a good idea.

Nooooooo thank you

Oh, he can keep it, but he'll have to deal with the IRS.

The rally fighter says you dont need 4wd off road

Only mod this really needs is a white "3" on the doors and a plow blade up front. Because Tallahassee.

I have a ford v8 ranger witch I auto cross, euro rally cross and stage rally . There is a rule for ratio height vs width. And and exceptions to mods made to suspension. At least that was some scrutiny I went thru. With Scca figured I attach this photo of some hard core acceleration at the American Rally-cross event @

I called and made a major repair appt under the name Hadsecks Witman, that way they cant schedule other customers at that time slot, o and btw im totally not showing up for the appt because I live in Florida.

Is Kinja a car? Because it desperately needs to go. Case in point, this reply probably won't show because Kinja is acting up again...

Ford 2.3L Lima

Sometimes paradise can be a very crappy place.

Old is relative.