
If you cannot treat a patient respectfully regardless of how you personally feel about them, then healthcare isn’t for you, full-stop.

Your entire comment is based on the idea that AOC has something to explain and justify, based on things you filled into the article yourself and seem convinced were actually there.

Why are you seeming to assume that a complaint about something implies the complainer isn’t aware of why it’s happening?

Because it wasn’t clear what part of the article this comment was in reference to. It’s still not clear what the fuck you are referring to when you talk about “ahistorical revisionism,” nor what exactly your point is here. 

An honest conversation around the tense relationship between AOC and the Democratic leadership has to acknowledge that the people who hold power in the party are deeply corrupt and often actively fight against the best interests of their voters. She didn’t show up as a wrecking ball in a perfectly functional,

thank you for this brilliant analysis

Thank you for saying this because I said similar here (about how “centrist”  in this landscape is just conservative lite) and was argued down that no, center means center. As if the Dem’s weren’t already only a stone’s throw and a shimmy past conservative to begin with and the GOP hasn’t been dragging the whole

I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

I don’t think we’re having different conversations. You said that someone could look to Jordan Peterson if they wanted to learn how to be a good man. I am saying that is wrong, not just that I don’t personally want to look to Jordan Peterson. Jordan Peterson can teach you how to be a pathetic, misogynistic, bigoted

Humanity is much more directly going down the drain because of the billions of dollars charitable organizations like this have wasted on sub-par, underplanned projects, which they will continue to do as we continue to spiral. You need a perspective shift.

No ‘sensible’ person would ever vote republican. Never vote republican, not even once. Not ever. Republicanism must end, forever.

This the stupidest comment I have ever read. You are absolutely disgusting.

every cop is insane and stupid filth long before they join the force
every cop should eat their gun today

Any republican should be fearful of investigation as they are a part of a vast criminal conspiracy to commit sedition and treason. You think republicans are above the law and not subject to RICO. You also delight in the fact that Susan Collins is instrumental in gutting American women’s right to privacy and essential

Actually he flip-plagiarized a George Carlin joke.

“Why is it the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t fuck in the first place?”

He’s quite famously anti-abortion. When he was governor of Virginia he supported banning certain type of abortions and supported parental notification laws. He supported the Hyde Amendment even AFTER he was chosen as Clinton’s running mate. If 2016 was THE critical election for protecting abortion rights, as

I guess I’m just not sure what the point is of coming onto an article about the devastating consequences of abortion being taken away, only to scold some imagined non-voters or Jill Stein voters for some imagined crime of theirs from 6 fucking years ago. If it makes people feel better to shit on a bunch of random

Why did Clinton pick an anti-choice running mate if everyone could see that legal abortion was on the ballot in 2016?  A confusing signal, no?

Is this the circular firing squad centrists are always whining about? Where your first response against people having their rights ripped away is to scold thousands of faceless, nameless, imagined would-be Hillary voters. If the 2016 election was so critical for reproductive rights, why did Clinton pick an

You are the worst commenter in the history of Kinja.

That guy is the worst.