
The excuses just never stop. It’s just amazing to me how little power someone like Joe Biden has to make things better. You know what’s deflationary?  Raising taxes. Stimulus and relief didn’t have to be funded with debt (and note that not giving relief would have led to widespread suffering). You know what else is

Homicidal maniac pastor’s speech is protected because his threat “was not immediate or specific” according to expert lawyer. So he doesn’t get a visit from DHS. Walker’s post wasn’t specific. Therefore, the lesson is that if we’re going to make any “burn that shit down” type statements, all we have to do is simply leav

A few friends had a similar conversation with me not too long ago. I went to rehab and everything, and have been sober since. It really is crazy how much your life improves if you just let it. About to hit my 6 months sobriety date, which I know isn’t that long, but for me it’s a lifetime.

No, it serves the people. You’re confusing the word ‘serve’ and the word ‘elected’. Most public servants aren’t elected, but they serve the needs of The People. Your Civics courses served you poorly because it forgot to teach you philosophy at the same time. There is no “law” absent people. It isn’t a separate thing

If only conservatives didn’t raise flaming, intolerant bags of shit as children everything would be okay.

“They would just continue to circulate illegally, just like any other popular item that’s banned.”

Around the same time that Musk begins banning anyone critical of him, also in the name of “free speech.”

It’s not though

Why can’t you fool an aborted fetus?

Goo was solid for a major-label debut, but putting it at #1 is ridiculous. Not as ridiculous as putting Daydream Nation at #2; seems like a clear editorial directive to not do the predictable (but correct) thing and put it at #1. Dirty at #6 is a bad choice as well, but I guess it was the first time people saw SY on

I know hindsight is 20/20, but when they had the actual majority when Obama was in office, that was the time to make safe abortion legal.

Open season on Proud Boys. Every single one should be executed. The only good Nazi is a dead one.

If you do a search for articles about Harris on this site you would never believe that this site is pro-Black.

He’s not even doing the “Not being Trump” thing well. Aside from not being crazy, a lot of what he’s doing policy wise is pretty close to Trump era stuff.

At least democrats are only backing out of their lesser promises like abortion rights and student loans, but we'll still get the important stuff like increased military spending.

I voted for Biden because he wasn’t Trump. Yes. Many voted for the same reason. But that doesn’t mean my expectations or wants from him as a leader end there. We will never see improvements in our society if all we ever do is settle for the status quo after taking steps backward.

Saying that the Warren and Sanders

So what you're saying is that when a moderate adopts progressive policies during his campaign, we should just know he's lying and not expect anything beyond "not being Donald Trump"? Because I'm not sure that you've got a long term strategy there...

This honestly sounds like the fever dream of the MRA world, and I’d be curious to know what percentage of the activity actually IS those guys LARP-ing as the kind of evil shrew bitch they imagine they’re “up against”.

Elections have consequences.

Cops need to learn that it doesn’t matter if he’s going 100mph, doesn’t matter if he’s drunk - doesn’t matter if he’s Osama bin Laden live and in the flesh. Their job is not to hand out beatings. If they’re incapable of performing the job of law enforcement without assaulting, murdering, and generally violating the