
Do you brain-dead centrists ever get tired of pretending the past 40 years haven’t been one huge loss after another for the Dems? Obamacare, or Romneycare, if we’re being honest is terrible and didn’t come close to solving the issue of uninsured people from dying of treatable illness here in the wealthiest nation on

We’re actually in the position we’re in regarding the Supreme Court because the Dems decided they had better (conservative) things to do besides dealing with the Federalist Society churning out far-right lunatic judges for decades. At some point these centrist shitlibs should maybe, you know, look at the horrible

This comment section has always been haunted by the absolutely dumbest “centrists” on earth. The people that look at the Dem’s performance over the past 4 decades and imagine that it’s been one win after another, despite the fact that the only things the centrists have accomplished is aiding Republicans get their

You are now absolutely the biggest idiot in this entire comment section and you should delete your account and stop embarrassing yourself.

Let’s review the past 40+ years of bumbling, inept Democratic failures and see if what you’re proposing here is even a remote possibility. 

Okay but none of that means Democrats aren’t incompetent bumblers that are seemingly unable to win over voters outside the political donor class. Review their lack of accomplishments over the past 4 decades sometime. It’s... not impressive.

The obombya guy may be a troll, but he’s not wrong. Dems and Republicans ARE both behind out of control spending on the military and the police, and both have been engaged in starving out any social service spending for decades now. Why do you think the Republicans have been able to pick up so many working class

As always with conservatives, the rules are for you, not for them. A huge factor in their bizarre obsession with our uniquely punitive version of fundamentalist capitalism is that if you have money, the rules don’t apply to you.

Bravo to you for having the patience to deal with this fucking idiot, not that he knows how hard he’s getting dunked on here. Just incredible.

Oof you’re really not doing what you think you’re doing here. I love it when conservatives try to pretend they’re not dumb assholes and it blows up in their face over and over and they just keep doubling down. Amazing.

jesus christ you are a fucking idiot, go back to jerking off while fantasizing about dead Palestinians and leave this comment section in peace.

Hopefully some of these American Jews will start speaking up soon because they’re being drowned out by the torrent of absolutely ignorant stupidity the media is providing us with instead of anything that reflects what’s actually happened. Shameful, but par for the course in the world’s most heavuily propagandized

You are dumb and you should be ashamed of what you’re doing here.

Lol, sure dude, whatever you say. Thanks for stopping by to make this completely incoherent “point”. They hate women so much that they’re bashing male actors. Totally makes sense. It kinda sounds like you’re the one that hates women. And you are dumb. I’m sorry people are forcing you to read articles here against your

It’s number 14 on this list, but you are correct that it’s not extremely gory. It DID scare me so much that I threw up while watching it when I was in first grade decades ago.

Democrats had DECADES to codify the right to an abortion into law; I know your entire life is built around being mad that no one likes Hillary Clinton and expressing your outrage that the voters have failed the Democrats instead of what actually happened (the Dems just keep lurching rightward in the hopes of getting

That’s true, yet centrist Dems will still try to “reach across the aisle” to reach “compromise” with them instead of doing absolutely anything that would help their (alleged) constituents. “Compromise” with these fuckheads is the highest possible goal to which centrist Dems can aspire.

...and even if Democrats just refuse to keep any promises they make on the campaign trail once they’re elected, as they’ve been doing for like the past 4 decades while the country rots around us. Such a cool country we got here, where bitchy rich liberals think they can shame working class voters into following their

shut the fuck up

Not if the country was run by an authoritarian right-wing pro-business government. In that case the CIA and our military would be training them to murder anyone left of center.