
As all centrist West Wing fans know, compromise with Republicans is the most noble political goal there is./s

75%? Centrist Dems are 0% of what this country needs. Look at this fucking country. The Dems have been completely blowing it for over 4 decades.

Centrist Dems have overseen the near complete annihilation of the American working class and the overturning of Roe v Wade, yet you act like they have accomplished something. Explain what it is you think they have accomplished.

No one on the left is voting for the GOP

tell me what you think Democrats have accomplished in the past 40+ years

Unfortunately the cops are deeply conservative so they end up supporting fuckheads like this.

no, you really should shut the fuck up you fucking dipshit

Cool! Now look up who she chose as her vice president!

White people.

The Democrats are so fortunate to have someone as stupid as you to desperately cape for them in these comment sections. Yes, the Dems, with their long slide rightward are always doing exactly what their voters want, need and demand, and the past 4 decades have just been one win after another for the feckless centrists

You should probably do some reading up on “Populism” if you’re gonna bring it up; what you have said here isn’t even remotely accurate as it pertains to the original Populists. Populism and Fascism aren’t synonyms. A political party that works on behalf of the rich is the opposite of what the original Populists were

Nobody “on the left” is in power in this country; Biden is center-right at best, further right when he seeks “compromise” with Republicans.

Texas passed a law last year that dictates you have to get a nice haircut before you appear in court.

He appointed the most diverse cabinet of borderline useless centrist neo-lib dipshits in our nation’s history though! Try to imagine anyone that isn’t a Democratic strategist reading this article and getting excited about it. 

You seem to have confused her with someone that isn’t as conservative as she’s always been. What good do you think she’s done? Be specific.

Your Tim Scott Salon.com link is dead so I’m adding this one in case anyone wants to check out how goofy this dude is in regards to police: https://www.salon.com/2021/05/02/sen-tim-scott-ive-been-stopped-18-times-for-driving-while-black—but-see-beauty-in-cops_partner/

No one is saying only “housing fixes this” and you should shut the fuck up with these brain-dead Bill Maher-level takes you’re endlessly spouting off with in these comment sections. You’ve got the typical centrist “liberal” fake concern that evaporates as soon as you see a poor person or someone struggling with mental

Would you being a complete square make this comment worth posting? The answer, unsurprisingly, is NO

LOL yeah, fact-checking... that’ll really show Trump and his deluded followers. You are very smart.

There are dozens of Democrats that are just as conservative as she is.