
I’d be hard pressed to think of anything the Dems have done in the past 40 years that wasn’t on the conservative wish-list so maybe “always awful while pretending to not be until they get elected” is a more apt description. They have sucked for my entire life. We don’t need 2 conservative political parties but that’s

And if they somehow manage not to fuck it up, after they win they’ll immediately start making excuses as to why they can’t actually do anything to solve any of the problems voters elected them to fix.

Now is a great time to re-read Crowder’s scathing indictment of people who have sex before marriage: https://uproxx.com/viral/fox-news-steven-crowder/

You would think these dolts would realize the contradiction here but then again conservatives stop valuing life immediately when foreign elections don’t go the way they want. Because Jesus LOVES free-market capitalism more than anything.

You should tell us what you think Democrats have done “right” in the last 4 decades, because it looks like it’s been one absolute failure after another from my perspective over here on the left.

Let’s not let rich white women completely off the hook; they’re also terrible. And the Democrats that sat on their hands for decades knowing exactly what the Federalist Society was doing but opted to do absolutely nothing about it also deserve our scorn. The entire political system in this country has been completely

The crazy part is you coming here only to complain endlessly about everything that gets posted, as if it’s your fucking job.

If the Dems are only paying lip-service to the problem while doing nothing, then they actually are as bad as Trump and the GOP. I’ll never understand you weirdos that want to give the Democrats credit despite them doing nothing to solve even a single problem in the past 4 decades.

Also: fuck Hillary Clinton and her group of expert centrists that couldn’t win an election against fucking Donald Trump. I voted for her and I still think she’s the absolute 2nd worst. And fuck all the mealy-mouthed conservative “centrists” that keep running the Democratic party into the ground instead of proposing

I think the solution would be to alleviate poverty but I guess then you couldn’t pop up to accuse people of KILLING THE CHILDREN!!!1!! You might be the dumbest person in these comment sections and that’s saying a lot.

he’s dead; read the end of the story

Maybe try reading the article before posting comments

I enjoy reading his reviews. So there’s at least one person that likes and respects him. It’s hilarious (and pathetic) that an adult got so mad at this review that they had to race to the comments and throw a fucking tantrum about it, though. You are incredibly lame.

Who’s “we”? Speak for yourself, you dumb asshole.

It’s true but it never stops being very odd to me. Check out the comments on any of Public Enemy’s social media accounts if you want to see some bizarre bullshit from the group’s middle-aged white fans. 

Oh wow look who popped up again to double down on their dumb and wrong take on whether or not this white lady was being completely disrespectful. It’s really too bad being an idiot doesn’t directly cause people physical pain.

You are very wrong and very stupid and keep underlining that with every new comment. Surely you have better things to do with your time than this. Take your L and get a better fucking hobby than pointlessly haunting the comment sections on The Root.

...or maybe he just pays attention and has noticed that the right-wingers in this country have been indulging in murder fantasies involving their enemies for at least the past 4 decades with zero push-back from anyone. Surely you have seen a conservative come right out and say they need to stockpile automatic or

I’ve yet to hear any conservative get any pushback at all when they publicly indulge in their murder fantasies, and they do it like every fucking day. So that definitely contributes to shit like this. 

Please explain to us what power you imagine a single person has to solve this problem that was created by rich assholes with a monopoly on political power. Scolding individual people that are pointing out how dire this situation is maybe the most pointless thing one could do about this.