Who needs enemies with “friends” like these? Absolute f*ckin garbage people.
Who needs enemies with “friends” like these? Absolute f*ckin garbage people.
Yeah, obviously, but “It directly benefits Trump in the short-term” is probably not a very good reason to do something, and “It will also benefit Joe Biden” doesn’t help. Maybe Joe Biden could, you know, just stand up for presidential accountability and the rule of law?
Because Americans are both very very stupid and very very racist.
I think it’s a tongue-in-cheek play off the controversy surrounding his initial staunchly pro-Israel take on the recent outbreak of violence.
He was paired with Obama to make Obama *more* moderate. We always knew Joe would be as conservative as his legislative career, which is to say: very.
Can we blame the democratic party for somehow managing to lose the easiest election in ages rather than blaming the voters? This is like hating on people who don’t recycle well without holding corporations accountable. Keep yelling “VOTE” at people, hope that strategy works for ya.
The vast majority of the sketches are much sillier/weirder than that and don’t have much discernible political content. They definitely make fun of right-wing figures, but like......... is it that crazy partisan to make fun of Ted Cruz? Marjorie Taylor Greene? If anything, they could stand to attack more well-liked…
The real way for Rogan to get people to not take his opinion at face-value when he doesn’t have any idea what he’s talking about is to not offer it to an audience of millions. I could talk about how little I know about aviation, but if I wrote several bestelling books about how to build airplanes with “hey, look, you…
Dammit, Jesse, where’s your article on the Mad TV ep that was hosted by the ghost of Steve Jobs?
By all means, cite the specific sketches that came off to you like “leftist lectures.” In my experience, genuine leftists are often disgusted or disinterested in SNL.
So you’re saying that this article is dumb because I’m not angrier about the imaginary Bill Gates episode you just made up?
Speaking of expectations - when you victim-shame, you can fully expect to get dragged for it.
I mean if you make an album called “Daddy’s Home” that addresses the story of your Father, you are going to get questions about your relationship with your father.
Well, you’ve at least convinced me that you are a duck. Great keyboard skills, considering.
I feel like Halford doesn’t get enough credit for being a trailblazer for gay rights and changing hearts & minds when it comes to homosexuality. There is NO more of a conservative, bigoted group of music fans than metalheads. Him coming out as a proudly gay man was a big goddamn deal.
Hey, now, we’re not supposed to talk about how third-way centrism is a massive failure and antithetical to real progress, because that’s what’s going to get trump (re)elected (as opposed to people being frustrated with said lack of real progress).
I suppose progressives should also be thankful for the $450,000 that was moved out of the party’s coffers just ahead of the election specifically because the establishment Dems anticipated a loss and didn’t want progressives to have that money? Is there anything you won’t shit on progressives for?
When will establishment Democrats learn that you can’t have an effective party if you insist on playing purity politics and having a temper tantrum every time you don’t get your way? This moderate circular firing squad is why Democrats keep losing. You have to think about the good of the party, and stop attacking…
I know you want to blame everything on “Voldemort from Vermont”, but her lost. Biden is our president and he’s not exercising his power. the buck stops with him. I’d encourage you to read some history dude.