Yeah, I mean... Tanden is the hill you want to die on? Team nobody there... If they want a toxic shitposter at the head of OMB, just pick a random commenter from here.
Yeah, I mean... Tanden is the hill you want to die on? Team nobody there... If they want a toxic shitposter at the head of OMB, just pick a random commenter from here.
Did you? I pulled that quote directly from the article and Solis has a point. Everytime Republicans have control, they pull us further to the tyrannical, fascist right. Everytime Dems get control? They stagnate. We don’t continue rightward, but very few progressive ideas tend to get pushed forward for the sake of…
I love how Texas is all “zomg price gouging!” now.
“we risk collapsing all kinds of sexuality into abuse or criminality”
I’m tired of it too but I don’t see why one should expect anything from Republicans at this point they keep showing us they’re trash. I don’t get mad at people I expect nothing from. I do get mad at people who claim to be on my side then do everything they can to fuck shit up.
But we already know Republicans are trash who want to keep people poor. Why would you get mad at someone you don’t expect shit from?
I want to apologize for upsetting you in this fashion as I’m not writing for personal need, I’m writing for those who don’t have the platform that I do. Also, and this is important, I don’t see politicians as my friends. I see them as elected officials who were put in office to do the work of the people. I think you…
There’s nothing like watching someone trip over themselves apologizing for an opinion that they didn’t need to share in the first place.
Is this over one single check per person and not an actual monthly plan? I hate it here.
That always reminded me of the “Tenacious D” bit where they go through a stage of door-to-door rocking while confronting the death of their rock star dreams.
Just admit you’re a Hotep and be done with it already, comparing them to the Kardashians shows what a sexist asshole you are, classic misogynoir if I ever saw it. You’re the only “clown” here, they haven’t “costed” anyone anything, sounds like you’re buying into what Faux News is saying.
When was the black people meeting where he was officially forgiven? It wasn’t recently when he got angry at some black people and told them that nobody has done more for them than him, was it? Was it when he told Charlemagne that if you don’t vote Democrat then “you ain’t black.”
I purchased a full set of Chick Tracts in the 90s and they are treasures. Cruel, maniacal, and full of the petty glee of stomping all over someone else’s toys.
There is no person I hate more than Yertle the Evil Turtle. I feel physical fury and repulsion whenever I see his picture. It’s so bad that I actually feel distressed by how much I hate him. Like, I wish I hated him less so I wouldn’t have to feel this way. It’s just another of the many ways his existence has…
I like Jamaal Bowman. I’m glad to see another POC pushing for meaningful change. I don’t agree with him that the divide/debate within the Democrats is healthy. They’re the same debates that have been happening for a long time and leaving voters feeling disenfranchised. Liberals aren’t going to divorce themselves from…
The fact that they abandoned it says a lot of about how incompetent the current party leadership is. DNC needs a leader who will bring the 50 state strategy back.
Yes. Democrats are a big tent party. That is both a blessing and a curse, but should be mostly a blessing. The things Democrats are associated with are broadly popular (especially on domestic policy), and I would say in every district or every state there is some aspect of the Democratic party platform that will…
“Defund the Police” is not “grossly misleading.”
The person I replied to said that Obama’s lecture was for “very loud progressives scaring off voters and doing the Democratic party more harm than good during elections?” I’m not sure how to read that except that progressives strenuously advocating for progressive policies are responsible for hurting Democrats, and…
I think you may have misread my post, because we definitely disagree about this, and I disagree with basically everything you wrote, pretty vehemently, including the idea that it is activists’ job to worry about the electoral prospects of a party that disagrees with the policies they advocate for, the idea that…