She definitely looks like she could unhinge her jaw & devour a baby whole.
She definitely looks like she could unhinge her jaw & devour a baby whole.
Her eyes are unsettling as hell.
Because business as usual is how they lost seats in 2010 and it’ll just make the base who took back the presidency disillusioned and unwilling to vote in 2022 or vote for a third party. Blue dogs are just Nazis with a D after their name and appeasing them now buys them time to groom another Gruppenführer.
You don’t get to arm yourself, illegally, travel to a place where you know violence is occurring, prepared to do violence yourself, and get to claim self-defense.
I suspect that most libertarians secretly live by the creed: “freedom for me, laws for you.” They’re parasites, hoping to extract the benefits of a well-regulated society while living free of all regulations themselves and giving as little as possible in return.
There are very few true libertarians, most people claiming to be libertarians are really just white supremacists. Their cries for small government are really just calls to stop enforcing black Americans’ civil rights. You ever notice that many libertarians also revere the Confederacy? You can’t be for individual…
American Libertarianism is a cranky white guy’s movement. It’s people who have been treated with extraordinary deference and gentleness by the state whining about oppression, and typically backing down hard in the face of actual examples.
Well if they were consistent in their libertarianism they would have been in the streets this summer right alongside BLM advocates, protesting the state’s monopoly on violence, but by some strange coincidence all the better-known “libertarians” seem to have been on the side of the cops. Funny how that works out.
And the Democrats think the progressive ideas are what’s bringing down the party! It’s just stunning that Biden didn’t take his narrow victory for the rebuke it was. It doesn’t matter if Democrats win the presidency if they just continue the policies of their Republican predecessor. Biden’s presidency is basically…
any book that ignores economic conditions in favor of making a hazy “cultural conditions” argument is not worth my time.
because people seem to look solely at the bad decisions, the fact of the matter is that more economically advantaged people probably make just as many bad choices, but they aren’t as detrimental because they have access to health care, to therapy, to addiction services etc. Bad choices are part of the human condition,…
yes, it is just very American to think this should be put on the individual, that this is their failure. It’s also very American because I think people who believe that, have been tricked into still believing the American Dream is real. It’s easier to blame these individuals who just can’t seem to get ahead, instead…
I just am bothered that people are putting so much onus on people living in poverty and that this is somehow a problem of bad attitude. These cynical attitudes towards formal education not being the be all and end all aren’t wrong, when the profit industry also have their own bad attitudes towards what types of people…
We see white woman anger a LOT in the comments of this website, most often directed at one of the BIPOC writers/authors. It seems like it's just gotten worse in the last few years.
So then what is your suggestion? Expel them from the party? Censure them for supporting things? Come on, let’s hear it.
While it’s true the Rs made that part of their campaign (they tried in Arizona, that’s for sure).. doesn’t that speak to a more complete and utter failure of these “centrists” to actually differentiate themselves among their own constituents?
It seems to me that AOC is perfectly right when she thinks the Dems in general…
Wait, hold on, allow me to personally extend my general fuck you to members of this party that are demanding everybody else speak in code to you specifically.
I feel for your friends. Really, I do. As a white woman that grew up in the 80s, I am constantly bewildered by how far we have regressed culturally.
Progressives didn’t really run on defunding the police either. That wasn’t a centerpiece of their campaign. Anyway, maybe centrists shouldn’t “spend untold amounts of time and resources trying to defend against” bad faith GOP attacks! That’s a waste of resources that just makes the race about what the GOP wants it…
The most disheartening thing for me in this particular spat (and so soon after an election victory) is the thought of the young people that were called to action by Bernie, the Squad, Warren, etc and now the party is collectively clutching its pearls.
They can call themselves a centrist, moderate, peacemaker,…
Okay, so what the fuck are you saying? Because the argument you’re making here is one that you literally JUST disavowed. Are you blaming the progressive members for this or not?