
There's evil Deadpool… and indifferent Deadpool!

I wasn't sure if anybody was even familiar enough with this game to post it here. It's one of my go-to obscure PS2 titles to recommend people. Once you get past the terrible graphics, writing, and voice acting, the gameplay is really unlike any other.

You think that was dull, you should have played the board game!

Great, thanks for stopping by!

If you're going to be that pedantic, technically this thing isn't a console either, and thus this entire article doesn't exist as we are now being sucked into a wormhole created by a paradox

I haven't missed a single one!

I got mine three days before, specifically for that reason.

But whose piss was it?

It sounds like that's more a criticism of their audience than the music they make

Except for any time they moved/redecorated offices and apartments, and that was cool to see how designs changed too

You forgot the wave of nostalgia that hits when it plays the PSOne boot sound

YES! Bionic Commando Area 5 "Heat Wave" is one of my favorite pieces of video game music

The Walking Deed

No, but Sands of Time did

His stage name is Team Jacob

Have you checked out Shadowrun?

I like wearing the vault suit just for the reason it sparks different responses in conversations

Can I get an invite? My PSN is ItCameFromGOOR

Has anybody made an AV Club PS4 community yet? This is the main thing I was excited for when they announced that functionality, but still haven't heard anything about it