
Hammerheads (as a group) are actually pretty high up on the list of shark attacks on humans

I wonder who spear-headed this idea

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

By the time it comes out, your children will be adults old enough to hear "fuck"

As is my understanding, LA Noire was based on real maps of LA, circa 1940s

There's a Call of Duty Con?

It's a self-portrait

My wife, Eleanor.

I don't really see what's weird about looking for an ethical alternative to what is basically a natural human craving. Humans evolved to eat meat, but factory farms are gross, so what do? You're basically left with two options: ethical hunting and making your own meat.

I was really hoping a remake would come when the Kinect was first announced. The speech-recognition wasn't so great in the original, but with advancements in the interim and added facial-recognition and body tracking could have added some cool features to the glorified tomagotchi-with-a-shitty-attitude.

This is a koala-ty thread I've ha-panda-pon.

Here I am, regular thwackin like a sucker

I'm sure Japan would love it

It's actually a penninsula

Heh you said do do

Or do you mean his real name: Steel Hammerhands

It has more followers

These puns are just offal

I don't understand how taking a game that's about the player not having any agency and giving it a format that's all about the player's agency would be for the better.