
I also love that in the Running Man Richard Dawson had a retort to "I'll be back."

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?

I don't know, I thought the pacing of the scene was way off for a great GOT episode. I mean the sons of Harpy just stood in a circle shaking their spears for a looooooong time before Drogon came tearing through. It seemed off to me, and it felt like she was riding Falcor there for a minute.

Why aren't the WAR BOYZ at least playing the midnight tent? Seems like they'd fit right in.

Not only her, but what about the two showgirls that used to escort Dave out on stage? They were on stage constantly for a year or two. The one with the full lips is burned into my memory. Hubba

Jason Takes Manhattan took place primarily on a student cruise. You should know this being from the future of Jason Takes Manhattan.

Obnoxious 3D?! I submit that an eyeball being squeezed out of someones head at you in three dimensions is the opposite of obnoxious. And you prefer the found footage idea? For shame.

This movie is shiny and chrome. Shiny and fucking chrome.

5 years ago? Is there another Fallon I don't know about?

I love Keach's line:
"Just because I drive trucks for a living doesn't mean I'm a truck driver!"

How did you come by this information?

Bill: "He nearly fish hooked McGroyne."

Ha, she actually lives across the street from my sister's friend.

I know, right? And who made Sean Connery's hairpieces for all his Bond movies? Now that guy was the MASTER.
I only found out about that situation like a year ago and remain kind of floored.

I think that it was Rob Bottin who did the effects for The Howling.

Yeah, the resistance captured and reprogrammed an Arnold model. They say so in some movie.

And the canned line reading in his voice. (This has only been for the past 20 years or so)

Well, acting skills haven't awoken in Harrison Ford.

I called the Mancow radio show this morning in an effort to win AC/DC tickets by naming the ring tone (it was Riders on the Storm). When I got through I said "Love ya, love the show". He say's "Thanks, brother". I say "Alllllrigght!" and he says "That's enough of that", and hung up on me!
What the hell Mancow?!

See, I disagree about that opening scene. It would be so much more terrifying if this thing killed a teenager in the middle of a classroom or something. Instead I got the vibe that she would never get attacked at school. And (spoiler) I was right.