
You had me up until the candle bit. I just keep reusing my containers for whatever. Spices, leftover food, whatever. Why do I need to retire it to candle use at some point?

Come harvest season there is a ton a work for “trimmers”. It sounds just like the name suggests. You trim excess leaf and stems from the buds. It’s a fairly labor intensive process that pays fairly well (from what I’ve heard it’s usually in product; e.g. for every 10X you trim you keep 1X). Some have been known to

If you’re getting the meat from the butcher wrapped and frozen (how it most likely will come if you are buying a share of a whole cow) that is all you really need. I’ve split whole animals with friends several times. Usually the meat comes wrapped in plastic (thicker than Saran wrap but thinner than a freezer bag) and

I’m not going to disagree with any of the other comments on mirror design, I think we could improve that (I do adjust my mirrors though to virtually eliminate the dead angle, I like that term, and I think everyone really should learn how to do this). I think the problem is much larger though than simply being able to

You sound like someone who never speeds, matches your socks to your underwear, and never talks with your mouth full. Boo!

Take your pick.

My guess is that this idea derives from the fact that letting the pressure come down naturally continues to cook the food for whatever duration that takes. People do a quick release, get tough meat, and blame it on bringing the pressure down fast. If they would’ve cooked it longer it wouldn’t have been tough.

My measuring spoon set actually has dash, pinch, and smidge. With dash being the biggest and just slightly smaller than 1/8 teaspoon.

And what’s so annoying about this is that Congress is the political body that passes the laws that require the spending. Why do they need to have a separate vote to ok the money for what they already said we need to spend money on?

Additional pros of credit cards:

I think the difference here is that with credit cards the protection is required by law whereas with a debit card it is at the choice of the issuer to include it or not in the terms of your card.

Just for the record neither the cobras nor the 747 belong to cal-fire. Those are USFS and Evergreen respectively. And frankly in my opinion cal-fire sucks at fighting fire, they’re much better at PR.

No. It’s all about apposing directions.


That’s not how credit cards work. I pay my credit cards nearly three weeks after the bill is generated and I never pay interest. That is a standard grace period.

Except that in many places (in the states at least) that will get you a slice of bread with a hole cut in it, an egg cracked into said hole, and the whole thing fried on both sides. This goes by many other names but this is the most common I’ve heard in Western US.

1. Cut avocado in half.

Can they make these bags in a reusable format that I can stuff my own beans in? I like the concept now let’s get the execution down.

My go to method for chilling beer fast is to wrap the bottle in a wet paper towel, insert in freezer, effing cold in no time.

While I suppose it’s true that some parasites can kill humans, the parasite that causes salmon poisoning in dogs doesn’t. It only causes mild symptoms in humans. I’m sure that the graphic meant cooked fish as well I just felt it was something worth pointing out as many people don’t know this and it’s a common