
I fully plan on watching this with my pretend facebook girlfriend tonight.

Some people have latex allergies. Latex balloons kill people. Therefor, Greenpeace could have killed people.

I've been there. The air quality sucks.

Pretty Woman in 3D sounds is simply amazing.

Sadly the knife couldn't bleed him as much as the ATM fees did.

I have this at home. It's called the buttkicker. It's a transducer that goes under one leg of your couch. Like 3D, it has its place. It makes action movies a lot of fun to watch. A really fun addition to my home theater.

No option for leftys? The universe hates me.

If he was in this US, he'd only have a leg to stand on.

A table saw was an interesting choice. I would have went with a miter saw to get a cleaner (more finished looking) cut. I guess there is no accounting for taste in these matters.

You lost 50 lbs through exorcise? Must have been a helluva demon.

Act II? You made some valid points but they are all overshadowed by the fact that you partake in the popcorn equivalent of industrial run-off. Spend a little more and get yourself some Pop-Secret Homestlye. Then you can rail against those with unhealthy lifestyles while not discrediting yourself with what you

My mom still insists I am a tumor.

I think it's the same concept. I got to try out Yamaha's sound projector and was pleasantly surprised. Sounds pretty incredible. That said, you may break the bank just to get one.

Until the police wisk you away.

I lost my son to Neuroblastoma cancer at 22 months of age. He was diagnosed at 11 months. Your question about fairness is among the hardest I ever had to answer for myself. I guess my situation was a little different in that we thought he had a 30% chance of beating it. Later we learned, even that figure was not

Pretty sure those are paint cans.

I have two ginger daughters who are Latina.

Perhaps he's thinking they'd rob the people trying to use the redbox.

I felt like the new Ford Mustang wasn't very convenient to buy so I stole it. Serves 'em right.

If you need to write '/sarcasm' after your intended sarcastic statement, it means your sarcasm sucks.