
"It was the best of times; it was the blurst of times!"

I cried at the beginning of Finding Nemo because I too lost my mom to a barracuda.

You get a heart for that.

This is the most interesting thing Whoopi has done in the last 20 years. Way to go Whoop.

Serious. We can totally do better than that.

Unless you type 'SPOILER ALERT' in all caps, there is very little credibility to you statement.

In a written statement, Hall wrote, "I find the cops' accusations that I don't know how to spell 'sult' very insluting."

Armie Hammer's Fiddle Sav. Armie Hammer keeps a frigid female "fresh" for up to 30 minutes. No? NO??

Maybe it would have worked if they named it Gosling-goo.

Crap. The only reason I got married in the first place was because everybody else was doing it. You people let me down. LET ME DOWN.

I just felt my milk let down . . . and I'm a man.

"guys are more romantic and idealistic than we've ever given them credit for being. The boys, it seems, are all right."

That applies to most Country music too.

"Why do black iphones get to use the word 'nigga'?"

This is one of my favorite things on the web right now.

And your solution is . . . to reduce demand?

This shares the sames problem as the female orgasm: it can be faked.


I'm sorry you feel that way.

Here were the test subjects.