
This could have been the biggest propaganda movie ever made by the US. That said, I loved it.

I thought Obama hated fat cats. Amirite?

It's just like life. I play dead to get some seconds while she plays dead to get out of firsts.

They are from there. About the only mainstream band to come from NV.

Now playing

My wife is in love with Brandon Flowers from The Killers. I am now in love with him too because he sang my State Song. Nevada has the most kick-ass state song ever. Don't even try to top it.

What are you implying about my beloved Sally?!

I prefer to lick out Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

This is on my bucket list. I love spicy food and nearly dying.

You keep that filthy corduroy away from my velour. It's just as undignified as those chips you eat. The rest of us velour-wearers have a country to run but I hope your lilttle club thing works out.

Hmm . . . I think I'd enjoy drinking Sarah Palin more than I would enjoy listening to her.

I said I was listening to Sarah Palin It recommendied I drink gasoline.

For as much as we listen to politicians spout off about 'family values' which really means 'don't have an abortion', we have little to no evidence that America values families. Every other modernized country seems to be kicking our asses.

I'd be more ashamed of being seen eating at BK than seen fighting with my wife.

I wish your comment had just a touch more generalizing. It's just not judgemental enough for my taste.

Is it because he eats raw seal eyeballs?

Colonel Mustard with the Egg Crate in the Ovary Hallway.

How has Arthur not recreated Arthur

Sorry B. You lost me at margarine. Betty White eats butter.

The Thrift Shop Merkins

The only shoes that ever got me out of trouble were mine — when I ran the fuck away.