
Not at all.

I picture my mom saying the following: "You be careful with my special boy." and "That's not how I would do it."

Nice review. I tried this at the Sony store and I was impressed with the 3D and the way the image looked. It did feel, to some extent, like sitting in a theater. The unit was a bit too heavy though, as you suggested. I think future generations of this product will look very promising to consumers.

Ok so I'm not a woman but my period story goes like this.

Understood but I was addressing your point that this particular woman would have lived longer had she exercised, not whether exercise can improve the quality of one's life.

"If this woman ate healthy food and exercised regularly, she would most likely live even longer, and be in an even better shape. "

Please don't fall victim to using the exception in place of the rule. You are right, gentics play a huge part in it but smoking, eating, and drinking too much from a statistical standpoint is a losing hand. That said, I hope the news shows up on my doorstep one day to ask how I lived 100+ years eating nothing but

She jerkied herself through smoking? I'm curious how that would taste.

The jury is still out on whether or not Tobacco execs have feelings.

My favorite part is at 38 seconds when the fridge saves him from falling on his face. If only my fridge were that kindly but I happen to know my fridge detests me and the smelly leftovers I fill it with. This is why I never dance near my fridge.

Thumb-dick. Long story short: I lost at strip poker.

But bubble tea still survives? How is this possible?

Without ketchup it is. With ketchup, it's a delicious headline.

Maybe my expectations are too low of McDonald's because I'm just happy they confirmed that the McRib is made from animals.

I think I like "Lady in the Water" too. I can't tell you why other than it was so different from anything I've ever seen. That doesn't make it good but I think about it once in a while. ?

You are about to enter a world of substance P, Larry.

"Sup Newsweek? Remember me? About that Spielberg thing you wrote. Any idea when that's happening for me?"

Get your freak-on, girls.

As soon as we figure a way to mine the spice, the brown eye epedemic will be over.