
You sound like your familiar with interstate rest stops.

If you have watched any TLC or Lifetime, you're already dead on the inside. You are just as alive as someone in a coma.

How many giggity, giggities is it?

Have you been to Amherst? I've never felt safer. Unless you are worried a frat boy is going to take your kid.

I'm sorry Hasbro but you kind of made your own bed when you created Candy Land, Taboo, and Scrabble Slam.

You're totally right. Bill Gates' biography cover was much more erotic.

The joke I think.

I was thinking the site would be composed of of women who don't wear fur . . . anywhere.

My Cat's name is Mittens.

Now wait a second. Those guys aren't real police.

Erin, you need to relax. Seriously. Anytime I see parenting hysteria articles like this (i.e. woman traveling to three different states to swab play structures) I think of the "We Survived" article that was written some time ago.

I would put in a shitload of laxatives.

Or a great tush.

There's a fap for that.

If you were to go on the show "My Strange Addiction" what would your addiction be?

It's late. Your bored. Read my blog.

That's why I freelance. Just sayin'.

I'd buy that for a dollar.

If it's a true tribute to Brit, it will lip-synched.

One father I new looked at it like this: When you have a boy, you have to worry about one penis; when you have a girl, you have to worry about EVERY penis.