You must be busy.
You must be busy.
I've noticed a trend in reporting: You are doing the same thing that previous generations have done but the way you are doing it is much, much worse.
Got ya. Make it sound real bad. "My name is Shauna, I'm a racist ass lesbian. I would never put someone to death but I'm sure as shit a racist ass lesbian."
I'm confused. How did they know? Are they allowed to ask your sexual orientation or did the just guess or did she say, "My name is Shauna, I'm a Lesbian, I would never put someone to death, I'm a Lesbian . . . "
I bet the Smiths know where them kids are at.
The Doe parents really need to do a better job of watching their kids.
Strange. I found that #whitenoise has desensitized me.
A better one would have been, "What the frak is the matter with you? Are you some sort of skin-job? Please say you are because I want to light up a toaster this morning. For frak's sakes!"
The logical side of my brain, the part that knows that the death penalty does not deter, the part that knows how expensive it is, the part that sees it doesn't always benefit the victims, agrees with you. But on the other side - fuck that noise. There are a few acts that are truly evil. When there is conclusive DNA…
I can kind of relate to you on some small level. My son died of cancer. Some of my friends have told me that if one of their kids died, they'd kill themselves. Not very uplifting is it?
I've always wanted to drink the smell of Sandalwood.
Will there be Smores?
Not in my opinion. It's a crime that is second only to murder. And it's a very close second.
I have "Hostle Goggles".
I would be shocked if their target audience actually knew what it was.
That joke came 8 years to late, tells me you actually watched "From Justin to Kelly", and forces me to admit that I am just as lame as you are because I know you referencing waverider race scene. Ugh.
I'm confused. The Elites were plasma. They are making them as LCD now?