
I heard her name in the joint is now Victoria Chili.

Wendy's Chili is among the healthiest foods you can get at fast food joints . . . . until you dump in the cheese and sour cream.

Dear Mr. Britt,

Let's set her up with Tracy Morgan.

Does that mean Robert Loggia lied to us?!

Yeah but where do the flavor packs go?

I'd give you the slow clap but I'm currently being sued for giving it to someone else.

Hey that's just a Hot Pocket which can also mean vagina here in the US. We name our food after our naughty bits.

I weep for you.

I knew what avuncular meant. I just don't understand whe the f*ck somebody thought they needed to create the word for in the first place.

If the favor is that important to you, call the person.

Rimshot for that? Tough crowd. I'll be here all week, and back again next month.

Do. Not. Want. PERIOD.

I would like to see the market research behind the idea of reinventing a technology that nobody really ever liked in the first place. I mean yeah they were fun but this just seems like a really expensive way to take shitty photos again.


You mean it wasn't?

The most disturbing part is he sounds like a lot of commenters on here.

I know. Appleworks is so much better.

Back in the day when we danced with a pole, it was called The Safety Dance.