
I commend this woman's salesmanship.

Can you imagine if she pulled this off and years later the police caught up with the couple that bought the baby.

"Keep Vancouver Normal" - an answer to "Keep Portland Weird" - is a common bumper sticker here in Vancouver. The funniest and most arguable part of that Vancouver bumper sticker is the word 'keep'.

Dear Kid,

Hearted for that.

Dear Vesta,

Does it spin?

I was being tongue-in-cheek.

When did it become okay for hotels/motels to NOT put real exhaust fans in their bathrooms?

Are you saying when they moved the new interstate away from Radiator Springs and the town went bust, you didn't shed a single tear? You are made of wood my friend.

I was onced asked by a woman on a date if she became my wife and we were put in a situation where I had to shoot her or my mother, which one would I choose and why.

As a male, these are the only times I find myself able to cry:

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Here is a cheap/ghetto way of staying cool when you rest or sleep. Get a sheet and wet it with cool water. Wring it out so it's not dripping wet. Lay under it. Have a fan pointed at you. It will feel weird to sleep under a wet sheet at first but it will work much better than you'd think.

I haven't really returned to Netflix ever since it suggested I watch "Moonstruck" or "The Human Centipede." I was disgusted. It's like they don't know me at all. I mean Moonstruck?

Because it's soccer?

You're more done with it than you may know. They cancelled it.

The wife made me a Dharma Initiative jumpsuit a couple Halloween's ago. I wore it to work. Nobody knew what the F I was supposed to be.


Daughter: Mommy where do babies come from?