
This is why I won't let my wife wear sweatpants. Ever.

No. Children can't make batmobiles melt. That has been proven.

Your lack of SPOILER ALERT gave me a total boner.

You wore musk in a business setting? Not hunting or something? Did you attract any deer at least?

Craigslist has taught me the following:

I'm agree with you but I'm angry at Goodwill right now.

Look, I simply love what you've done with bubblegum hummus but I'm not tasting any deodorant.

Sounds like list of ingredients from the show "Chopped."

"All Birthing Options Come To The Same Horrible Conclusion"


Nothing stops those who would proselytize you faster than telling them you are a Pastafarian or a Spagnostic.

Meh. I saw it when it was Friday.

I weep for Casey Anthony but not for Casey Anthony - that dude is a jerk. I wonder how Casey Anthony is taking all of this.

Back of the line, lady.

Nancy Grace looks like The Hawk from Buck Rogers. Just sayin'

You got it all wrong. His kid, Casey Anthony, killed his baby and got away with it. Disgusting. Truly disgusting.

My parents cursed like crazy. I was told not to curse so I didn't. I turned out fine. End of fucking story.

Ahh . . . missed that line.

So wait . . . she threw his junk in the trash?

So now I'm confused. They are attracted to your stinky feet but not your smelly socks?