This defense bothers me, because none of the guys on the original queer eye could cook either. But Ted Allen *still* had time to go grocery shopping with them, and walk them through how easy it was to saute spinach, and make a steak marinade.
This defense bothers me, because none of the guys on the original queer eye could cook either. But Ted Allen *still* had time to go grocery shopping with them, and walk them through how easy it was to saute spinach, and make a steak marinade.
Here for the pet police. LAX was like a fucking dogrun during the holiday rush.
My bodega will not be replaced by a fucking cabinet.
“Thou shalt not argue with the sir, for their word is law.”
ughhhhhhh the Rangers protected Marc Staal. There go my trade dreams.
Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk... pick up the ball, Marvel!
Child’s play. Erik Karlsson has been legally dead since the Boston series.
Friends, how mad should I be that Gal Gadot isn’t hosting SNL? It’s bad enough the Wonder Woman marketing sucks, now they’re trotting out Chris to get guys to watch?
The CPAT itself isn’t too hard, and has only recently (the last cycle, I think) been a part of the FDNY Probie school admissions battery. It’s been a point of contention with the old boy’s club because it’s a cakewalk compared to the actual academy, and the Functional Strength Test, which *used* to be a graduation…
Anyone else super impressed with Brendan Smith? Fight with Phaneuf, he’s been in the background playing so solid. Great great great deadline pickup.
For real. It’s like the first two games they forgot they weren’t playing Montreal anymore.
This sounds amazing, and I am subscribing immediately.
God, Kimberly’s chill was my favorite thing all series. Doesn’t matter what the technical challenge was, while everyone was flipping out, she was just like “lol I made this last week, this is fun!”
They were up by a goal in the 2014 gold medal match, and missed an empty-netter by an inch that would’ve sealed the deal with a minute left. Can’t really sling blame on that one there.
Do y’all really think there’s actually going to BE a WHCD this year?
It makes me so mad. She won the Tony for Best Leading Actress for the same damn role. It makes no sense to call it supporting just because it moved to the screen.
Plus, she totally wipes the floor with Denzel. Give her all the freakin’ awards.
If their union is forcing them, would they be able to do a sick-out? Like all my favorite nurses in ER, circa season 3?