Diner Wench


I had an audition Wednesday afternoon that had asked us to talk about an issue we were passionate about, in lieu of a script. Usually, I’m super stoked about auditions (because, duh) but it was the last thing I wanted to do that day. I got to the waiting room, and there was a lovely woman who shared my misery, and

Hidden ball trick, obvs.

The finale was worth it for me, but that was while watching the show week-to-week. I think it was the best episode of the season, but there’s a whole lot of crazy (even by UnReal’s standards) to wade through.

Please please please bring back Anna to play the Bachelorette and free Johanna Braddy from her Quantico cage. This is my christmas wish.

It’s like looking at living Renaissance paintings.

I support this.

(sorry for the double post. I blame the kinja cyber.)

They misspelled Taraji P. Henson.

I would like to retire the food description portion of every interview with a woman in Hollywood.

Someone ungrey this!!!!!!

That feeling when Tatiana Maslany finally wins...

I made the mistake of listening to the album on a layover while traveling alone. Fortunately, the terminal had a Ben and Jerry’s so I could plug up my emotions with some Half Baked.

High five, Sarah. Bring Holland Taylor.

It’s nice of them to give a tip of the hat to the LA Raiders days.

Not really. I live slightly hillside and those fuckers are all over the sidewalks at night.

What’s a manatee to do?