Gavin S.

I always do a double-take when I do see a TourX around town. It really is a handsome car.

May and Hamster have got to be thrilled with this. I guess they’re all rich enough by now. Time to retire to your individual endeavors.

It's a vehicle designed for dystopia. Seems about right. 

This pretty much nails its appearance. “hastily-built prop vehicles built on air-cooled Volkswagen pans for sci-fi movies look futuristic."

I hear-tell that those hoods vents are functional? That would be refreshing, if true.

Fucking asshole! I’m sorry for the passenger and thankful no one was in the building this guy flew into but fuck this guy! (I’d be shocked if it weren’t a male)

Such a good movie! 

That aerial shot made me think of Robbie the Robot bossin his little taxi cab across the surface of The Forbidden Planet.

The test track looks like a bubble-era zombie subdivision. Lots of those out west just sitting there, abandoned.

Mike Wilbon's tears are so sweet. 

The sad part is that he’ll probably get hired for much more money to host some practical joke show dreck that appeals to the double digit IQ folks. Maga! 

I hope they kept all the original parts, when they converted it to an EV.  

Maybe something like that apc the Russian mob dude had in that Vin Diesel movie, Babylon AD. The entire interior was video screens so it looked like you were driving around in a transparent armored vehicle. It was a pretty cool effect. 

That fella was very lucky. I’m not sure every cop would have had the heroism stones that officer Correa had in that situation. If it had been officer Me he might have run out of luck.

Where's Vontaze Burfict when you really need him? 

Peyton put a xxxl clown suit on ol Terry. Damn he's fat. 

And he’s suspended for the rest of the season. 

Well don’t waste your time jabbering at us morons about it, submit that shit! Sounds like you have a shot.

Stochastic. I had to look that one up. Good word! “sto·chas·tic /stəˈkastik/ adjective TECHNICAL randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely”

If only Jeffrey Epstein had adopted her that while thing could have been sorted out more poetically.