
I’m wondering if there is going to be a critical mass of people that F with these things because they are Robophobic so that people don;t want to use them.

I keep forgetting everyone is stupid, including me.

I keep forgetting everyone is stupid, including me.

Uber is in this for the long game. Uber wants to control where you go and when you go, as well as selling the information of where and when you go and who you went with as well as what type of person they think you are. F Uber

How are they making them prove they are not A-holes? Because an A-hole will masquerade as a nice guy if it means getting a job. Then they will become an A-hole again.

The truth is that Uber is going to do what ever it takes to get to a driverless solution as soon as possible. And have one that works and is reliable before any other automatic transportation system. Then a critical mass of people will develop that like taking automated transport to the point where it’s marginal gain

I have a self driving car already. You drive it yourself.

Remember Gawker is owned by Univision. Go Pats.

Wait who owns Gawker? Oh yeah, Univision. Bias no Bias

What do you see if you look past the semantics and see the intent?

Any idea of what the ratio of readers to commenters is?

Clarkson is still a douche

Sounds like my wife.

There are angry people everywhere. I think the swamp is starting to drain itself and we are starting to see much more of what was below the surface. So now if we have any brains we will come up with something we can all rally behind as Americans and have to work together in order to complete it. Of course I could be
