George Washington Admirer

That’s pretty much what you did in WW2, and it was to fight a nation that is also a member of NATO, an organization which incidentally you created to help defend against a nation that was one of your allies in that conflict. People change, nations change, and the relationships between them change. Get over it.

Sure, and the US can stay in if it gets rid of the electoral college, adopts the metric system, spells words the right way, and stops calling scones biscuits.

How does one do that, please?

Not your call.  The Brits like their royal family.  It’s up to them whether to abolish it or not.

I don’t think he dismissed it because he can’t handle the truth, it’s because it’s patently ridiculous. NATO is a defensive alliance that has nothing to do with the political structure of it’s members. If you go down that hole the US is in a heap of trouble as all those pesky monarchies for the most parts have much

Time to let it go.

Can someone explain to me why US tv is carrying Prince Phillip’s funeral and all the related nonsense this weekend?

The whole thing sounds like a rejected Eudora Welty plot.

Who would want to involuntarily continue to relive the most heartbreaking of possible years?”

He was a fucking Mountbatten; subjugators of India.

You do what you’re told, eh?

The guy lived 99 years in fabulous privilege and wealth, inside an ivory tower mounted upon a pedestal of privilege and stolen wealth.

I’m not blaming anyone for Philip’s death, but the Oprah interview was ill-timed.

I’m not happy but, I can’t say I’m sad either. As someone from one of the many, many, many nations that was completely and irrevocably fucked by the British Empire, the only thing I can think is... hold on a second...[farts]... ah there we go.

The royal apologists are out here in full force. In addition to being Queen Elizabeth’s beloved husband, he was a racist who

It’s not just the British monarchy that needs to go. It’s all monarchies. Slavery is the first invention of every monarchy. The idea that blood endows you to power over others whether they want you or not, is the very genesis of racial casting. The end result is always abuse. For that is the only way that royal

Well, what I’m actually saying is that they came to their own defense. Why is anyone surprised or mad about that? She came out firing, and they fired back. She maybe just doesn’t realize they’ve been at this a few hundred years, and they have the resources to make known anything and everything, true and untrue. She’ll

Can’t play victim your whole life Meg....noticing a pattern here. 

You mean *person talks shit about family who gifted person millions upon millions of dollars and fame beyond belief* and *family lets secrets of person who talks shit out*? What a surprise that a bunch of rich shitty people act shitty to less rich shitty people who act shitty to them.

I agree - she wants the best of both worlds but thats really not how it works. I respect her “need” for normalcy but like... HE’S PRINCE HARRY.