George Washington Admirer


Take away from this story - Just cause the royals give you a fancy plaque, celebrating that you’ve worked for them. Don’t think that that you’re any more secure in your work then in a standard zero hours contract job. 

This is good. 

I think that’s fine. He was a man of his time and within a certain socio-economic class. History is complicated. None of us are 100% good or 100% bad - just like Washington and Jefferson and the others. It is important to face the fullness and complexity of our history. When one faces a painful truths about oneself,

Sometimes I think people just live in different corners of the internet world. Do you really see America only talking about the successes and ignoring the failures? Because I see a lot more about, say, America’s failures to make African-Americans first class citizens than about the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights

Of course I’m serious! LMM wrote a musical, universally beloved, about the Founding Fathers in all their glory. He didn’t do it to shatter myths or to re-cast them as villains, but rather geniusly (I’m making that an adverb!) and powerfully cast POC in the leads because Hamilton and Burr and Jefferson and Washington ar

A reminder to everyone that Lin-Manuel Miranda and a cast of POC are able to appreciate all the fantastic things the Founding Fathers did, even though they were not perfect people, and so can you! Happy Independence Day! 

Most of the country is not happy about the destruction.  They also went after a nearby museum.  It is upsetting.

Guarantee that is what the violence is accomplishing. The people who laughed at Trump when he said anarchists would end up tearing down statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, are now pretty silent. There could be an honest assessment of President Trump’s performance and likely future performance in 2020. Instead,

Protestors in Madison, Wisconsin, tore down a statue of Hans Christian Heg last night. Who was Hans Christian Heg? He was a Norwegian immigrant, an anti-slavery activist who fought slave catchers and harbored a refugee from slavery, a reformer of Wisconsin’s prisoners, and he died in the Civil War after raising a

Lol the people toppling Washington statues are most assuredly not liberals

Completely agree. Whether you like it or not, Presidents are way different from confederate soldiers. People may dislike the confederates or NGAF, but they sure as fuck care about the Presidents. The protestors need to pick their targets of statue toppling better. They are turning people against the cause. They are

George Washington travelled on horses. Aircraft are a relatively recent invention.

George Washington was one of America’s farmers, so it makes sense.

Really embarrassing for the U.S. that their President is this sad person.