No, it’s not off topic. The British royals exist primarily as a conversation starter about how glamorous they are, so you’re actually precisely ON topic.
No, it’s not off topic. The British royals exist primarily as a conversation starter about how glamorous they are, so you’re actually precisely ON topic.
Look at these weirdos. They’re wearing military medals on civilian suits. They look stupid.
These rightist creeps are engaging in cultural misappropriation of George Washington’s legacy.
So, Mr. ijustcan’twiththis, you dismissed my reply because you can’t handle the truth about NATO and the British monarchy. Too bad. I’m reposting it because the truth needs to be said.
There is only one NATO member state with a monarchy that was defeated in battle by George Washington in the American Revolution. Why should Americans protect it? We shouldn’t. And yet we’re legally obligated to do so under the NATO treaty because if a foreign power harms a British royal, it would be an act of war…
Bunch of embarrassing weirdos. After Lizzie dies I want the U.K.’s NATO membership to be contingent on abolition of the monarchy.
America will endure.
I’m a patriot, not a tomato. On Facebook they know the difference.
Eh. We’re talking about British tabloids here. Baseless speculation is kinda their thing. Meg was a handful, no doubt, a shameless manipulative opportunist who fought dirty. She would certainly be a source of agitation for most folks. But to say she led Prince Philip to an early grave is a leap.
Sure thing there, Tomato.
I know that pandemic has us acting all a little weird
Sarcastr07 cowardly dismissed my reply but I feel it is important enough to warrant a repost:
Yes, I am a patriot and a loyal Democrat, born and raised in a Democratic family. Good solid FDR Democrats going back generations. I was taught to revere the flag and the Constitution and the Founding Fathers.
Strong “how do you do, fellow kids?” energy in this post.
Yes, Philip was exactly the sort of backwards aristocrat whose rule was deemed intolerable by George Washington.
So Americans are supposed to feel sympathy for the personal flaws of Prince Philip, but not George Washington, whose statues are torn down and whose name is uttered as a curse?
I’m a loyal Democrat, born and raised in a Democratic family, and I believe Democrats will NEVER win another national election if they dishonor the Founding Fathers. Critical Race Theory better not go there or it’ll be a BIG problem for Democrats.
Boring! I pity the people whose lives are so bleak that they would derive entertainment from a movie about these two dullards.
Out of regrettable curiosity I scanned your posting history. I say regrettable because it was a dreary read — a morass of unremitting negativity and superciliousness. If you’ve ever been tempted to post a positive thought you’ve successfully resisted the urge. I would praise your self-discipline, but I can only guess…
Is there any expression of patriotism that you wouldn’t mock? I doubt it. I cannot discern any values behind your quills, only scornful nihilism. True patriots disdain nihilists, preferring their enmity to their applause.