George Washington Admirer

George Washington is my favorite, but I do frequently think about the other Founding Fathers. Sometimes I mention them on Kinja. For example, it was John Adams who inspired me to take the Crown’s side against Meghan Markle.

Golly, you have a point. How misguided of me to perceive an evocation of George Washington in an article urging British colonies to declare independence.

I support all movements in all British colonies to DECLARE INDEPENDENCE from the tyranny of the Crown. May George Washington inspire them, as he inspires Americans still.

Honor dictates that you name names if you’re going to make an allegation as incendiary as the one about the conversation about the baby’s skin tone. You don’t just throw that allegation out there and say only that it was a family member. That puts the whole family under a cloud of suspicion and denies the accused

Increasingly this whole drama has a very scripted feel to it. If this is all a work in the style of professional wrestling, bravo to the bloke who put it together. I could buy a theory that Meg was assigned a secret mission to rehabilitate the Crown’s skanky image by acting like a duplicitous back-stabbing

I agree with everything you wrote. I hadn’t even heard of Meghan Markle before her dalliance with British royalty. Apparently she was a D-list television actress. That’s not quite superstardom, but showbiz D-list status is still far greater celebrity that most American citizens will ever enjoy, so I don’t think anyone

Ah, so I’m an undercover British agent working to advance the interests of the Crown while masquerading as a patriotic American. Better get Robert Mueller on the case. Who knows how far the British tentacles have reached.

I don’t sully my eyeballs with the Sun or any other UK press so I have no idea of the writing there. If you’re implying I’m in the Sun’s employ, you’re off the mark. Nobody is paying me to take the Queen’s side, nor is it a decision I take lightly. Meg pushed me to it.

We all know Prince Phillip coined the term “The Firm.” I’m sure it was just a good-natured rib. The Prince actually likes and respects the royal family and its traditions.

The Firm?

Didn’t we have a Revolution so we wouldn’t have to pay attention to these gormless inbreds?  Look at that picture.  These are the worst people in the world.

Ooh, the palace is freaking out about what Meg might say!

I believe the stories about Meghan Markle behaving badly. History shows it’s impossible to join British aristocracy without internalizing its worst tendencies. It’s a rotted institution that debauches everybody who touches it. That was true in 1776 and it’s true today.

This is embarrassing.

This article is infelicitously timed, to say the least. Tomorrow is America’s federal holiday to celebrate the birth of George Washington and you’re asking us to celebrate the birth of a British royal. I bear the child no ill will but I am glad to live free of his family’s kingly embrace. For that I will drink to

I prefer the British royals of George Washington’s day. They were honest aristocrats — haughty and imperious, and proud to be seen as such. King George may have been a despicable tyrant, but at least you knew where you stood with him.

I feel bad for the child but I can feel no sympathy for the mother. She’s finding out the hard way that you can’t be a member of a foreign aristocracy when it’s convenient and not a member when it isn’t convenient. You’re either a titled British royal or you’re not. You don’t get to pick and and choose when you want

This is the worst moment of my life.

I’m a lifelong Democrat and an old-fashioned patriot and I’ve loathed the 1776 Commission from day one. It’s bad history. I will celebrate its demise, as should we all. But I hope we won’t let our righteous zeal swing the pendulum too far like we did last summer when statues of George Washington were vandalized by

I hate to say this but the seeds of yesterday’s lawlessness were sown this summer when rowdy mobs vandalized statues of George Washington and paid no penalty for it. That was a cultural tipping point. I knew it then and warned fellow Democrats about it, but did they listen? No. What happened yesterday was the