Hurricane Svetlana would grab more attention than Hurricane Muhammad. Islamic terrorism is yesterday’s news. Nobody cares about it anymore.
Hurricane Svetlana would grab more attention than Hurricane Muhammad. Islamic terrorism is yesterday’s news. Nobody cares about it anymore.
We Russian trolls are sickened by this treachery. We do not abandon our friends in their hour of need.
Careful, or you’ll be accused of “sowing division.”
Tomorrow (Sept. 12) is an interesting milestone. It’ll be the first day on which Americans who were born after 9/11 will be eligible to enlist in the U.S. military to fight the War on Terror.
The cartoon is actually trenchant if you read it as a commentary on Islamic terrorism’s decline into an irrelevant afterthought in American media and politics.
Poppycock. American centrists do exist, and they’re anything but scared idealists.
Cuomo is a scurrilous poltroon who has earned the righteous wrath of all people of goodwill, regardless of nationality. Henceforth let us all vow to redouble our efforts on behalf of Cynthia’s campaign.
Maria’s slanderers have now tasted the bitter dregs of humiliating rebuttal. It is a flavor they shall come to know well, for this is just the beginning of their comeuppance.
American liberals cannot deny that it’s impossible to watch this movie without concluding that America was simply better in the 1970s. It’s why ‘Make America Great Again’ was such a compelling call to arms.
Right because he could make Joe Lieberman vote for it how exactly?
Well, if we take Lieberman at his word, the White House never pressed him in the slightest re his filibuster threat, or even bothered to contact him to talk about it. A cynical person could be forgiven for believing that President Obama didn’t really want a public option and was just using Lieberman as an excuse for…
If you can’t get M4A into the conversation with a Democratic President, a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate, then talking about it now just makes you appear as a panderer.
This Obama fellow is a piece of work. After doing everything in his power to clear the field for single-payer opponent Hillary Clinton in 2016, now he endorses Medicare For All. In stark contrast, we Russian trolls spent 2016 promoting single-payer advocates Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.
Question for American liberals: let’s say Trump is considering ending America’s disastrous war in Afghanistan(which BTW is costing $45 billion this year), and the White House’s internal ‘resistance’ conspires to continue the war.
That’s a wrap!
Russian trolls will raise many a glass in Burt’s honor tonight. He was the living embodiment of 1970s America — the best America. It’s all been downhill since then.
This tragedy was the consequence of a foolish decision to take a bath instead of a shower. Drinking heavily safely is a skill that is undervalued outside of Russia.
Ironically the piece is a good depiction of what President Bernie Sanders would have had to contend with — a cabal of plutocratic insiders conniving to impose party orthodoxy on a president who had campaigned against it. It’s basically a soft coup intended to implement an agenda that was repudiated at the ballot box…
When Facebook is dead, you can thank Russian trolls, for it is we exposed Facebook’s monstrous evil. Nobody else had the courage to do it.