Joe Biden wants Medicare For All? You must have him confused with Bernie Sanders, Russia’s favored candidate. We wanted Americans to enjoy quality universal healthcare, unlike Biden voters. We’re evil that way.
Joe Biden wants Medicare For All? You must have him confused with Bernie Sanders, Russia’s favored candidate. We wanted Americans to enjoy quality universal healthcare, unlike Biden voters. We’re evil that way.
It looks like Biden’s probably going to win, but what an exciting finish! When COVID-19 happened I almost gave up hope of another Trump win, but my young staffers persuaded me to keep my faith in victory and redouble my efforts. Against all odds we made a race out of an election that shouldn’t have been close.
A true Scottish warrior has fallen. I feel terrible knowing Mr. Connery didn’t live to see his life’s dream of Scottish independence fulfilled. May the Scottish independence movement draw renewed vigor from his passing. I believe it will. I trust the sons and daughters of Scotland to do the right thing to honor Mr.…
Okay. No need to waste time trolling this guy if he’s going to troll himself.
As we Russian trolls anticipated, “but her DNA test” has instantly become the “but her emails” of 2020 for Beto’s trolls. We will have plenty to say about that.
The game is afoot! Senator Warren, you have my sword.
Why is there no mention in this piece of Obama’s utter failure to prevent us Russian trolls from stealing the 2016 election?
AOC is the shiny new thing because she’s the vanguard of the Russia/progressive alliance that will take over Congress. McCaskill’s outmoded notions of patriotism and treason mean nothing to the young generation of American politicians willing to pledge loyalty to Russia in exchange for Russia’s help getting elected.
Who among us hasn’t done the occasional mass murder? These things happen, you know. May he who is without guilt throw the first stone.
Embarassingly it took me until 2018 to appreciate the timeless American art of the Grateful Dead. When I listen to the Dead I am more convinced than ever that we Russians must redouble our efforts to help America live up to her great potential.
Sure, Trump’s Syrian pullout may be dividing Fox, but it’s uniting liberals of the Obama/Clinton ilk with the far-right neocon ghouls who gave America the Iraq War. Both groups decry the pullout and want America’s imperial outpost in Syria maintained indefinitely. It’s textbook Fish Hook Theory, just like I learned it…
Rob Reiner is a despicable Russia-baiting neo-McCarthyite and phony progressive, but we Russian trolls bear him no ill will on this melancholy day, for we share his grief. The loss of every icon of 1970's America is an irreplaceable loss to world civilization.
The primary reason that Republicans have been unable to craft their own healthcare reform to replace Obamacare is that Obamacare already is the Republican version of healthcare reform.
Is it really a bad thing to have your bridges burned behind you when the only path forward is Medicare For All? If it takes a cranky Bush judge to force America to forsake the tarnished fool’s gold of Obamacare and march onward to better things, so be it.
It is frustrating when quality trolling goes unacknowledged, but don’t let these rubes’ inability to spot you provoke you into blurting out your name.
I agree wholeheartedly. It is only right and natural that we Russians should be allowed unfettered access to Alaska. Alaska was a Russian possession until 1867, so a large influx of Russian residents would merely restore the previous state of affairs, which arguably never should have ended in the first place. We could…
Appalling choice. Nobody cares more about halting global warming than Russians, for it is our frigid winters that rescued us from invasions by Napoleon and Hitler. But perhaps that is the game that is afoot — to strip Russia of her protective winter weather by means of climate change.
President Trump has stuffed his administration full of petulant amateurs who mirror his own personality. Secretary of State Pompeo is a fine example. A statesman, he is not.
Bernie is only 11 years older than President Putin, and President Putin possesses the youthful vitality of an athletic 30-year old. Bernie, while not quite as fit as President Putin, is certainly fit enough to serve America as her President.
Beto has more red flags than a May Day parade. Any progressive who can’t see through his act must have been asleep from 2008 to 2016. Russia will NEVER support such a sleazy opportunist.