Paid Russian Troll Dimitrii

Is Russia’s election interference really a bad thing if it’s done to promote progressive causes? I admit that we have destroyed the predictive value of polling, but ordinary Americans don’t care about that.  They want progressive policy, and we deliver.

“Persuaded” — LOL. If we Russian trolls hadn’t hacked your election, Hillary Clinton would be your President today, and Ayanna Pressley would still be enthusiastically kissing Hillary’s centrist ass while taking potshots at Bernie and everyone else to Hillary’s left.

Is that so? Pressley’s progressive makeover is quite recent. Two years ago she was schmoozing with the Hillary wing of the party and dissing Bernie and his ideas. But then Hillary crashed and burned, and the Bernie Sanders agenda caught fire with the Democratic electorate, so Pressley abruptly “evolved” to fit the new

Pathetic.  Just two years ago Pressley was a loud supporter of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, and she basically called Medicare For All a silly fantasy. She’s a vacuous opportunist who blows with the wind, and it’s embarrassing that so many American progressives are still unable to spot this sort of pandering

Bernie would have won.

I’m afraid he did say exactly that, and more than once.  In Russia we were paying attention.

Democrats — heed the wise advice of your great leader President Barack Obama. He said the war in Afghanistan must continue until there is no risk of Afghanistan being used by terrorists as a safe haven to launch attacks on America.

I see presidential hopeful Kamala Harris is taking Hillary’s 2016 “Stronger Together” shtick for a test drive today. I feel warm inside every time a Democratic politician panders to American voters by invoking Ronald Reagan. Obvious pandering is obvious, and American voters hate it. 2020 will be fun.

Trump is hinting that he knew Russian trolls were interfering in the primary on Ocasio-Cortez’s behalf. Nobody notified him as far as I know.

CBGBs lives on. An Amazon search reveals a wide variety of licensed merchandise for sale.

Not true. The business models of Google and Facebook require content creators. They will put the newspapers on the corporate dole and make them de facto vassals. The newspapers will remain nominally independent, but will be timid and toothless servants of their corporate masters. Mark Zuckerberg will in effect be

Van Halen: Van Halen (Warner Bros., 1978) For some reason Warners wants us to know that this is the biggest bar band in the San Fernando Valley. This doesn’t mean much—all new bands are bar bands, unless they’re Boston. The term becomes honorific when the music belongs in a bar. This music belongs on an aircraft

On the bright side, this gives the studio time to negotiate with John McCain’s estate for the use of his name and likeness.

Prison reform? Perhaps you’ve seen the DCCC touting its slate of 2018 candidates dominated by prosecutors and combat veterans. This is not a Democratic Party that is in the mood for tackling hippie-type issues like prison reform. Rather it’s a party that’s marketing itself as a pillar of patriotism and law and order

Why do you seek to foment discontent in this hour of victory? Dark money contributions do not in any way delegitimize Gillum’s victory. These were perfectly legal contributions by donors who chose to remain anonymous, as was their right. Only a fifth columnist would pry into matters which are none of his concern.

Kudos to Rotten Tomatoes for striking a blow against hidebound elitism.  We Russian trolls are just as entitled to be movie reviewers as anybody else.

McCain had two years after the election to stop Russian trolls from sowing chaos and discord in America but still we continue unimpeded. If he was half the leader you claim he was, I wouldn’t be able to post this.

But McCain failed to halt the onslaught of Russian trolls attacking American democracy. Is that not a great stain on his legacy?

Obama is actually the perfect choice to deliver McCain’s eulogy, seeing as Obama is the U.S. President who squashed America’s once-thriving anti-war movement and taught American liberals to embrace Endless War. John McCain couldn’t have done that, but I’m sure he would’ve liked to.