
“Hendrix changed the world of guitar.”

Agreed - parts 2, 4, 6, and 10 are the most watchable ones by far (Part 8 also has its moments). Parts 3 and 5 are fucking dire.

For a second I thought they actually recorded a version of “Baby Can You Dig Your Man?”

I forgot how both of them start so strong and finish up a mess.”

It sounds like he’s either got serious ego problems, or he’s taking the piss.”

I wonder if he’ll still think this after the Snyder cut is released?

Pretty sure only 9 of these couldn’t run on a PS5 and this one was thrown in as subtext.

Na, that’s just Trump’s hairpiece that blew off in the last windstorm.

Cowards can’t even stand up for their own beliefs, typical. 

And he donated everything he was paid. I’m guessing he didn’t quite make boatloads from the cancelled The Tick, better off than many perhaps, but not Chalamet/Fanning/Law/Gomez amounts of entertainment success.

Several of them has spoken out against him after and I know some have said they are donating their royalties for this movie to charity.  I know Griffin Newman did for sure publically

the fact that someone would get on national television and make disparaging comments about me because I’m simply trying to do my job is disgusting.”

Who the hell shows up here to post some lame shit like that? Bad form, dude.

Call me when they get Freaked.

$10 this leads to a Joker Lantern Corps. The Lantern of...fuck...Mirth, or some shit.

I cracked up when one of the creepy dancers broke the 4th wall and stuck her tongue out at us. 

Raw dogging porn stars is not the behavior of a germaphobe.

I don’t want him to die.  I want him to have to go on a ventilator and be put in a medically induced coma only to wake up in mid-February handcuffed to a hospital bed where the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is an FBI agent informing him that he’s in federal custody by order of Attorney General Elizabeth

Not to mention it takes more than one key to open a portal to Shaggai. Like, c’mon Misha Green.

lol Atticus is fast as hell if he ran all the way to the observatory to punch those cops.