
Bowling? Nuh-uh. It’s darts. A sport where you can actually compete in a tournament with a beer in one hand.

Yes, hiring more diverse voice actors is bad for the industry.

Its a latter-day Simpsons episode, it’ll probably be largely hated regardless of Carl’s voice.

I have a feeling you’d find a way to be annoyed if they were replacing him with an Icelandic voice actor as well.

...because adoption makes you change your race?

Yeah, this looks good. But I don’t know any metal heads who would wear a Rudimentary Peni t-shirt.

Punk and metal pretty much the same thing.  Got it.

It can be two things.

Michael Steele didn't go willingly. He got pushed out the back door for blinging too hard and he’s been trying to set himself up at the voice of reason within the GOP ever since.

Yes, in our “hearts”

For those of us born at a certain time, Adrienne Barbeau holds a special place in our hearts.

but he’s no Cameron

Bethesda games don't technically enter development until they're released.

I am willing to bet that Princess Peach has better lawyers than Hulk Hogan. 

Time to let the Streisand Effect do its job.

Before Cobb worked in movies, he was a political cartoonist who designed the flag for the Ecology Movement, and also did the cover for Jefferson Airplane’s After Bathing At Baxter’s. It’s hard to think of another artist whose influence was so wide-reaching, even if many people weren’t even aware he was the same guy.

It’s also an incredibly “white people” opinion

Yeah, it’s like, “And yet, here I am!”

Is Outer Wilds the only Obsidian game you’ve played recently?  Personally I found both Pillars of Eternity 2 and especially Tyranny to be fantastic.

Funny, my not liking the Beatles is completely irrelevant to someone’s belief in the act of not liking it. Crazy.