
LOL, yep. Jacob Chase is expanding from his short film, actually titled, “Larry.”

Also it’s worth mentioning that in the comics, Sunspot is Afro-Brazillian, but in this movie he’s played by a white guy. And the reason why they whitewashed him is really messed up...

Must be written by a white person because the cops were created for the sole reason to capture the enslaved.

So Boone’s cool with making Rahne and Dani gay (which I am too), but goes all colourblind when it comes to casting Roberto? ... where are your priorities, dude?

Congratulations America!

A lot of issues with your comment

Speaking as a member of the LGBTQ community, you’ve hit on exactly why this news is so satisfying.

Counterpoint: the original is a masterpiece that totally holds up. 

An article about Frank Whaley with nary a mention of Career Opportunities is yet another indication that the AV Club was never good.”

It is gloriously apropos that a movie featuring Illyana Rasputin has been stuck in Limbo for years.

Wondering what the hell is going on is an integral part of the oeuvre.

If Twitter really gave a shit about “the public interest” they would have folded years ago.

“went to art school for crying out loud”

everyone in this thread has seemingly forgotten about The Lighthouse

Agreed. And side note: Andy Serkis gets deserved praise for his motion capture performance, but I thought Tony Kebbell was fantastic as Koba.

This! Is absolute bullshit. Matt Reeves apes film are inferior to original goofy ass ape movies? Come on now. I can understand preferring one over the other but modern ape films are not an inferior product.

It’s because the comics are for “children”. Obviously to make him more “adult” you have to make him look like he was made in 2002. /s

What the hell does Zack Snyder have against Leonard Cohen that he wants to ruin his most famous song.

“tHis iS mADe fOr grOwNuPS”

For the love of God... PLEASE VOTE! I am honestly afraid that if we do not all vote this year, we will not be allowed to vote four years from now.