
Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get so angry at other people for liking things.

I love it, okay, let’s imagine we are in “Contemporary Visual Arts and Culture Studies 101: Analysing Image Selections in Kotaku Articles”. First, this is one hell of an article and the images chosen are appropriate for several reasons. By choosing official promotional images and juxtaposing them with the reports

She was the first great political villain of my childhood. 

Now playing

And speaking of Escape from New York knockoffs, Jungleground will always have a special place in my heart.

You’re allowed to like whatever you like. That doesn’t stop other people from making their own decisions.

I know how he feels. I constantly post opinions like “Raisin Bran #1 cereal” when in actuality that is not my position.

My favorite Dolly story comes from a friend who long ago used to work in administration for a university that was giving Dolly an honorary degree and having her deliver the commencement speech. Dolly and her people were all wonderful to work with as they were sorting out the details to make it happen and really the

Willie better be up there or there will be trouble.

Me, a Memphian: No love for Three 6 Mafia? Or Big Star?

And that, my friends, is why we are still mired in racist imagery in the year 2020.  Your lack of recognition does not discount the racism.

Nope, no similarity at all...

True, and the swastika predates the Nazis by millennia. Generations of racist oppression has a way of tainting things.

There’s an amazing podcast as part of the series “You Must Remember This” that delves into the legacy of Song of the South, and how pervasive racist imagery is in Disney culture, despite its professed disavowal of the film itself. Beyond the fact that you can still find characters from Song of the South in its theme

“According to the synopsis, the series follows Stanley after he is called to Los Angeles to help his favorite, recently widowed nephew with his children.”

Kamala Harris declined to pursue the death penalty for a cop killer and then refused to support a bill banning the death penalty.  She covered up technicians stealing cocaine from evidence.  She supported truancy laws, putting kids in jail for failing to go to school?  She let banks off the hook for illegal

I’m still waiting for a thriller where Moss plays a loyal member of a religious organization, who one day discovers she’s been living a lie, and the cause to which she has remained loyal is in fact fraudulent and dangerous.  

“Cardi can’t rap worth a damn and it’s noticeable as hell when she’s performing with someone who can.”

Naw, we’re just aware of how awful and stupid many people are due to tech

Those annoying autoplay videos? I installed a script to block those from ever showing up for me. If they didn’t autoplay I probably would have actually watched them.

Opray Winfrey will cover the cost of that with the money found in her couch cushions.