
Of the three, Cash was the only one working under his birth name, unlike those other two counterfeits.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Both things suck

And I think you dramatically overrate the potential for introspection Americans have. We’re fucked, and we deserve to be. This pandemic has revealed the true heart of Americans and made it more bare than ever before. And it’s ugly and deserves to die (or at least take its rightful place as a third world country.)

That’s a shame, he was always enjoyable on screen, from the tragic menace of Dr. Blair in The Thing to his very amusing ‘Creole’ accent in Hard Target. Never knew that about his early life as a blacksmith, fascinating.

Christ. I’m Blair-in-The-Thing age.

Because his wife vandalised someone's property and yet will never see so much as a fine.


On the flip side, some of my favorite works of art were created in multiple mediums by very troubled and often dangerous people. The bigger issue in Hollywood is that it’s an entire system setup to enable and protect these people while profiting off them.

Wait, so his wife tore up a protestor's sign, and that made him understand how one could be a white supremacist? 

I’m going to take a wild guess here and say that I can’t be the only person that’s watched a fair amount of Ren & Stimpy or John Kricfalusi’s other creations and find it not surprising at all that he engages in horrible behavior.

Donald Trump and his weaponization of stupidity and fear is the greatest threat this country has faced in modern times.

The head of “Blacks for Trump” dies after contracting the virus at a Trump rally. He cooned himself to death.

I mean, he seemed to think so.


Remember, he’s the same guy who recently tweeted this:

Is it mean to say good riddance?

It’s fine to be mad about that too, but they can’t do nearly as much about that. In this case some of these people literally work for the same companies they are criticizing.

That’s never been in the cards. It’s always been pandering, and a lot of people want it or like it. Like seeing banners at a Pride Parade sponsored by Visa and other corporations that might still terminate someone or not promote them for being gay if some manager doesn’t really like it. At no point should anyone buy