
“I think he is a joke that went too far and now everyone has to play along.”

Are you trying to claim that “would’ve” isn’t a word and shows poor grasp of English? That sentence is perfectly clear and that’s a perfectly cromulant word. The dumbass thing would be to use “would of”.

I won’t consider it Mothra unless it’s summoned by tiny singing ladies 

I mean it’s nice that you like a movie where the character the movie is named after is in the movie for 8 minutes and when he shows up he’s heavily obscured and they always cut away to focus on Generic Action Hero #4573 and Boring Soldier Family #8754 because they killed off the only interesting character a third of

He is some sort of mushroom man?”

Get over it. No one cares about your strict definitions. This is the same shit that was said about rock n’ roll and later, rock. “Oh, it’s atonal” “Oh, the lyrics are nonsensical” “Oh, it all sounds the same.” “Oh, it’s all rhythm and no substance.” Blah Blah Blah.

I used to think that, but then I started reading Rabin’s new site. I’m convinced that he never does a first pass on anything. 

Sadly, they did not steal the content.

Eh? I mean, every death is a tragedy, but the man was 90 years old, leaves behind a body of work that will be known for generations to come, and lived the majority of his life relentlessly (some might say pathologically) on his own terms. Death comes for us all, but may we all shine half as brightly in the meantime as

Those first 38 issues of Spider-Man are still some of the most perfect comic-booking ever. None of the garish, overly busy work of later artists has ever managed to equal the clarity, weight, and grace of his Spider-Man in action.

Damn. I read a lot of his stuff when I was first getting into comics in the late 70's/early 80's and hanging out at the shop near me all day until they finally just gave me job. Ditko had style.

One time while drunk in the dead of winter I watched a guy slip on a patch of ice. He ended up horizontal in the air, his bare skin peeking out from under his jacket, until he landed hard on the pavement as if he'd dropped the elbow from the top rope. Without thinking twice I gave him an "OOOOOOO YEEEEAAHHH". He

Cannibal! The Musical is a goddamned classic. I’ll fight anybody saying different...

Neutral Milk Hotel is a grating bandname and the band’s music is not interesting enough to compensate for it.

Seriously...the whole Schitt’s Creek thing pisses me off for the same reason.

I can understand why King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is bad enough to keep someone away, but I can’t understand why that same someone simultaneously admits to having no problems with a band named Wooden Shjips.

If there was one person who didn’t do music but was awesome for the band, it was Stacia from Hawkwind.  And this is one of the more SFW performance pics.

Drake double album: definition of necessarily a bad thing.

Jay Rock is here to save us all. 

It worked for Radiohead.